Call me me unrealistic...but i know it's reality and that's why i am disgusted by the real gap that exist in the world we are living now...growing up in a home that i always wondered why other kids could have posh toys but not us...? but without realising that i was living a fortunate life compared to others....until now i can't help to complain for why i was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth. After this reason trip...i realise that i am one of a lucky ones...and i should be more apreciative of this life....i don't know why but i gotta admit much to the fun we were having during the whole holiday there were more of distress being in a country that had a huge must go thing that "slice" my heart the most was this qoute "Di Indonesia apa-apa bisa dijadikan duit,dan kalau ada duit smua bisa lakukan."
a place where i blurt out things in my mind and where i deposit's my emo tots too...kadang2 menjadi playground aku mempamer kan work of my eyes...dan kadang2 tempat aku menimbulkan kucar kacir dengan sahabat2 baik aku..!! :P Jadi don't judge me by the things i write...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
When the huge GAP digust me...
Call me me unrealistic...but i know it's reality and that's why i am disgusted by the real gap that exist in the world we are living now...growing up in a home that i always wondered why other kids could have posh toys but not us...? but without realising that i was living a fortunate life compared to others....until now i can't help to complain for why i was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth. After this reason trip...i realise that i am one of a lucky ones...and i should be more apreciative of this life....i don't know why but i gotta admit much to the fun we were having during the whole holiday there were more of distress being in a country that had a huge must go thing that "slice" my heart the most was this qoute "Di Indonesia apa-apa bisa dijadikan duit,dan kalau ada duit smua bisa lakukan."
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Latest Craze...
it's call "keropok tempe keju"..cheese tempe chips (betul kah translation ni?)suppose to buy this for my staffs but then buruk siku open it and started devouring it...(anyway they all won't apreciate it anyway)--bukan alasan semata2 k...
actualy this "keropok" tasted yewwy when you first taste it but then after a few times you'll love it.
hmm during the whole trip i think i ate the most tempe in the whole of my life...almost every meal was fill with tempe....ape ni? mo jadi org jawa yer???
so well?tell me it's good for me...
ni model tempe....!unprocess tempe.before it was fried.note to self: please start exercising and losing weight...!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Holiday Away...
k seperti biasa jalan2 ni kami punya agenda semesti nya paling penting makan...! byk juga food kami makan...i gotta admit ni lah paling byk makan tempe dalam hidup ini...tempeeeeeeee saja... bermacam2 tempe lagi was let's say great if you're a rice lover...and i so like kicap manis ABC sama cili....fuh..siap tambah2 nasi byk2...but itu ayam bikin muak lah after a few days...ayam kurus kering wakaakkaka...
(masi malas menulis) so overall the trip was fun...lot's of new things new friends...apa yang belajar...just gotta give it a try and people chances...and please2 when you go somewhere with foreign exchange...get your numbers correct....damn the zeros....
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tetiba panikk!.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hoping For spring in my heart...!
Tickets: printed
passport: check...
Money: Not yet baru mo calculate apa yg ada ( hopefully will do it on friday)
skirt: baru mau cuci
beg:it's somewhere in my room
guide:sms him esok
Friends: Are you ready to ride??
been so caught up with the stupid report and reallocation of my office furnitures that i had no time to think about the trip....part of me want to be excited ...but part of me is holding all the excitement back ..i am damn broke...and i won't like the feelin of me coming back to work after the trip....i just hate to leave a yucky place to have lot'sof fun with my besties to end up to have to come back to it again...!! God please...please have something instore for me when i come back...!! PLEASE...!!!!!!
OMAIGODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....3 more days to go...!!
fudnote:Jane please don't enjoy too much that you will suffer after the trip...!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bila hati rasa confuse...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Anusha Joy Jasmine
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mood of my week...
reason of being so demotivated this week :
1.Monday blues (as usual need i explain???) to make things worst laptop's screen konked out....(ada org sudi sponser repair??) smua gambar2 smua koleksi and my CS3 in there...that explain why all my pics not watermark and editing sudah...! sad..sad..sad
2.Tuesday Diarrhea that made me not well in the head too...i seem to make some one upset i feel lousy until today cos that someone is goin through a critical time...(deeply truly madly sorry)
3.Wednesday sucks. cos someone said something that strike my heart..(but anyway tidak mo jadi seperti kanak2 yang terus tidak mau kawan...tapi well jika kawan tidak perlu kan pertolongan kita...kita better undur diri lah....sebab smua sudah dewasa ada otak dan pikiran sendiri....n memang dia tidak anggap kita kawan apa boleh must go on babe...let's ride again (words to self ok ...)
4.Thursday: It feels like being in a display or being in a zoo where the part is full of glass compartments...this is how it feels like in my office right now...(arahan bos blinds smua dibuang...) so please don't knock on the glass so that the animals don't get aggitated...(i am so damn annoyed) are here again...i am hoping for a great weekend so i can rejuvenate and get ready for my wild zoo ride on monday to friday next week....
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
and Yes i won't understand....
Monday, March 8, 2010
I want a Heart of stone..!
I need You
I need strength
I need preserverence
I am about to give up....
I really...really hate this place...i hate the people that comes with it...i hate the culture...and the hatred is getting to me..!
futnote: Tuhan kirim kan lah aku hati batu supaya aku boleh bertahan...!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hati harus kebal...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Kurang semangat...! AKU HEBAT!!!
i just got a memo that bertambah beban kerja...! byk gila2..sampai staffs pun tanya boleh ker bos? (sejak tau durang under me baru ada hati panggil bos..cilaka punya staffs)..
sekarang aku ni macam gila kuasa smua aku kena buat...damn damn damn
dulu satu bahagian sekarang ni macam 3 bahagian..!! shishhhhhhhhsssssss...!..aku ingat naik gunung susah...rupanya turun dari gunung ada lagi benda yang susah...!! %$^@#@#~!?!!!!
pegawai satu tu jaga satu benda and benda itu senang...!! (apa lagi aku mo cakap!!!???)
mo nangis pun berlagak hebat pun ada....!smua perasan pun bunuh diri pun buat tidak kisah pun ada...!! Tuhan jaidkan lah aku superheroin...!! jadi kan lah aku hebat sehebat nya...!! tapi apart from that...aku pun bisa rasa sedih dan mo menangis....!!
(as i am writing this my eyes are swelling with tears...)
tapi apa juga kan nothing is impossible...!biar lah byk2 bagi kan ...aku kasi biar saja lah kan ..! let's be positive..! let's be a winner..! (cheh ketara betul berpura2) biar lah ..! aku mo berlagak ..berlagak aku ok..!!
lepas ni aku pun teda kawan sudah di looks like i am all alone sudah ni...! biar lah ..! hidup ini perlu di teruskan walau bagaimana pun kan...! p mampus lah org2 sini ..!!!ambil kesempatan lah byk2...tiapalah...! korang kumpul2 lah kebahagiaan sekarang...!! biar lah biarlah...!! aku mo p back packing..!! lantak koranglah..! i'm gona have fun...(w/pun teda duit..aku blasah saja)
kalo apa2 jadi kat aku harap aku jadi hantu kacau2 durang masa durang tido...(i know i know ni bodoh..!! tapi salah kah aku marah)
ok sudah lah ...byk cakap byk dosa...!!aku tau aku hebat..itu lah korang pilih aku buat byk kerja..!! AKU HEBAT..!!!
fudnote:CILAKA org2 ni...biar lah sekarang aku tanggung berat..mati nanti korang tanggung lebih berat...!!