Tickets: printed
passport: check...
Money: Not yet baru mo calculate apa yg ada ( hopefully will do it on friday)
skirt: baru mau cuci
beg:it's somewhere in my room
guide:sms him esok
Friends: Are you ready to ride??
been so caught up with the stupid report and reallocation of my office furnitures that i had no time to think about the trip....part of me want to be excited ...but part of me is holding all the excitement back ..i am damn broke...and i won't like the feelin of me coming back to work after the trip....i just hate to leave a yucky place to have lot'sof fun with my besties to end up to have to come back to it again...!! God please...please have something instore for me when i come back...!! PLEASE...!!!!!!
OMAIGODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....3 more days to go...!!
fudnote:Jane please don't enjoy too much that you will suffer after the trip...!
hahhahahah! ko ni jen. melancholic plak. yahooooo... bisuk sy p tpt ko. mau p mana dl ni?
its about mid-spring now jen. lambat lah ko. (hahahhahah..)wah!wah! wah!
baru jumpa my passport last night. terpaksa p selongkar rumah mimi to cari my passport.
yes see ya tomorow mare....! macam byk pulak kita berjumpa bulan ni kan hehehe..! i am still hoping for the first sign of spring...!
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