Monday, March 8, 2010

I want a Heart of stone..!

it feels like sitting on a cliff just looking at the world...the wild world around me...waiting just waiting for the next strike of any beast out there...feels everyday i have to try to survive...try to not care what rumours and whining of people around me....

I need You

I need strength

I need preserverence

I am about to give up....

I really...really hate this place...i hate the people that comes with it...i hate the culture...and the hatred is getting to me..!

futnote: Tuhan kirim kan lah aku hati batu supaya aku boleh bertahan...!


kukuanga said...

i think, instead of asking for hati batu, we should opt for hati yang elastik. (vulcanization of rubber- sorry, i'm a chemistry teacher after all)vulcanization = tambah sulfur sm tu rubber utk kasi kuat, makin banyak, makin keras without affecting the elasticity (its true nature)

hahahaahha! just rambling. hey.. everything have more than one side to look at. 10 days mare!

jenkays said...

baik cikgu..! i don't know how it works but i like the idea...mintak yang macam flubber tu..!org cucuk cucuk tidak menusuk...lepas tu goyang2 enjoy hahaha..!