Friday, August 14, 2009

My heart is missing someone...

Suddenly my heart is missing SOMEONE who is suppose to be near and dear to me....

Missing the days and nites talking,pouring out of heart...

Missing the days when i know someone will be watching over me...and reassuring me...

and give me hope

Missing the feeling of a hand holding mine...and gripping it to tell me it's ok...

the one i share everything with...the tears and laugthers...

the first person i talk to in the morning...and the last person i summerize the whole day to...

the feelin of someone giving me everlasting love.....unconditional love...

Days turn to weeks...weeks turn to months....and months will turn to years...

what have i done,what have i done

what have i lost...what have i lost...

I lost a FRIEND who is suppose to be forever in my heart...

I lost the most precious relationship in the world

Where can i run, where can i hide...

i know i will have to seek...i will have to find myself...

get back on my feet and run the race again...

run till the finish line...

But i am not strong to do it myself...

I need help...

would YOU help me find my back the path i am suppose to go?

Would you help me?

Fudnote: Ketika menulis ini...aku rasa aku kehilangan sesuatu yang sangat berharga dalam kehidupan aku...doakan lah supaya aku temukan kembali cinta yang sejati...supaya perlumbaan hidup ini tidak sia2...tapi damai sejahtera akan ku temukan...


Dy said...

28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Night said...

setuju banget sama kau Dy..hemm..mare..try listen to lagu "selalu MencintaiMu" oleh Jason..lupa ler jason aper.hehhehe..

lv said...

i feel you.... T_T hisk, ko nih buat sia emo jugak... *proceed to layan emo*

kukuanga said...

our heart will never really complete without him. missing him, yearning for him is indicator of our heart calling for it's missing piece. let your heart do the job. it'll find it's own way to reconcile. just let it be. dont fight, dont do the logic. heart never really works that way.

love and longing will overcome.

jenkays said...

the feelin is always there...but selalu state of denial.Thanks geng..guess this journey is just a personal journey kan..diri sendiri sj boleh tolong diri sendiri..

LV:mari lah kita emo2 bersama2 hahaha...PMS again kot..

pare:i only know jason mraz hahahaa

jenkays said...

i listen...i Cried...and i carry on with work..

# perasaan: hati keras...jiwa karat...

selalu mencintaimu by Jason..