but i am havin a bad back pain....nampak gilers sudah tua..! wah ni pun bukan pakai heels 4 inci..sudah sakit...kudos lah to org yg kerja di supermart....pramugari..!dah siapa2 lagi yg job meraka requires them to stand....
this few days..lot's of thing berlaku dalam hati...maybe it's the tiredness yang buat fikiran hati berfikir macam2...blame it partly on lack of sleep too...lambat tido and awal sudah terpacak at dectar...
i am wishing for my winding down trips...most of the time i am wishing to be on a cliff..(don't get me wrong...bukan mo terjun k)...it's where i can see the sea and the waves breaking...it sure wud be a nice view...and i wud be able to feel the breeze blowing thru my hair...i wudn't ask for more...situasi sederhana begitu cukup utk refresh diri sendiri...!
jom bestfriend ku...when is our next trip together...! (if we could just sit at my balcony and watch the sun set together and talk about almost everything wud just be a dream to good to be true at this moment...)
fudnote: hari ni aku gila...aku p karoks dengan a set of friends who i got to know better this 5 days...kami ponteng utk melihat "the Proposal"(sebak lah kalo watch ni sorang2 tp dgn mereka smua jadi lawaks...)
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