Thursday, August 6, 2009 little answers

So many questions i ask in my mind...

So little answers i get...

Wondering why,what,when,how,where...???

Even in times of brain and heart still wonder...ponder....GOD WHY DID YOU CREAT ME???

1. see me suffer (of course bukan suffering sampai tahap gaban lah)

2.saja menambah populasi Malaysia

3.kerja..kerja..kerja..(tidak kaya pun...kaya hutang ada la)

4.saja melihat kebodohan dan kejahilan org...(ini lah org i tak paham knp wujud di dunia ni) let me see how unbelievers they walk up the ladder with no problem...(ini sukar utk aku bila aku percaya dan bersandar...bila aku pandang org jauh meninggal aku di atas tangga)
Knp masa org lain boleh cuti...tapi bila org lain sibuk aku tak leh cuti??
tiapalah...kerja mesti ikhlas...baru2 ni ada org cakap..Jane ni selalu kesian kat kesian tak kat Jane ..?(soalan lagi)
takpa lah...huhuhu...friends..(whoever you are)..i love you all...!!i am who i am...and i love to be a helping hand (ini kalau tanya kenapa,i cannot jawap..tanya lah the creator)
*tetiba at this point teringat lagu..."aku burung"...hehehee
Fudnote:I am like a child...everyday i learn something new...i will ask the never ending why question....when i fall i cry...but when i am well i laugh...and most of all i love playing with my friends!!! Friendsssssssssss i need a day out with you all..!!


Dy said...

Hang in there mate... too bad i no longer have those KL-weekdays trip anymore... dying to have some time out as well.

We get all the junk mails about how we should live our life... about how it's not all work and that we should spend more time with the ones we really care for.

Easier said than done.

Miss you lots mate.

jenkays said...

tak pe...i am goin to play hard during my PD trip this weekend...

miss u too...

demn really miss being with real friends!! sekarng ni rasa macam kawan palsu semata2...