pic was taken this morning outside my window...love the shade of colours...
aduh...hari ni back to work sudah after 10 days of break...!!! knp ada perasaan mo nangis ni ah? i have to work kan...HAVE TO...and NEED TO...(bukan dua-2 sama maksud kah)...oh tolongggggggg............!!!!! macam rasa mo nangis saja dalam bilik ni...!!! hmm takpa2 relax...relax..:P
I really hate this type of feelin...tu lah tidak suka go cuti ni..!!!balik ofis terus macam emo pulak!!!!! pagi-2 sudah byk lalat-2 berterbangan and mengganggu...!! sudah lah byk soalan about work...relax lah deyyyyyy...otak aku belum lagi sampai opis la...masih jammed di awan lagi..!!belum landing lagi...!!! perlu kick in realiti lah that i am back..!! yes.. I AM BACK AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
hari ni i think i need to senyum saja lah...jgn byk fikir kan ..just smile wakakakaa...
would we be able to get use to this feelin..knp selalu after a loooonnnggg break mesti ada perasaan like this..WHY?? tidak boleh kah ada feelin yang...next day masuk kerja terus happy!!!!!!!!!!!...
rindu pulak jadi driver ni...bagus jadi driver saja kan..!! :P..no..no...mesti kerja..mesti ada duit..hehehe..utk p BERCUTI LAGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can imagine me copy paste this post after trip bulan 6 ..rasa nya perlu get ready lah dari sekarang...!!!!!!!!!!!
have to wait for 5pm!!!!!!!!!!!..sekarang baru 8.30am aduhsssssssssssss.....
Futnote: Reminder to myself lain kali cuti lama...ingat-2 lah realiti bahawa cuti itu bukan selama-lama nya!!!
hehehe... bukan we're supposed to be refresh and ready to put in full gear kah tu after long breaks?
Hang in there mate! this too shall pass! =P
otak macam hang bah dy..!! dah lah terus start enjin org suruh excelerate pulak..!! terus bengkel!!!! aduhss....
help me!!!!!..
I need a break after my holiday!!
hahha... dy..
talk about being refresh and ready after a long breaks? ada.. ni syndrome 'tiak mau balik karaja' heee...
jen.. me catching the same bugs. what a life we lead..
tis bug is killing me softly togous..sudah lah sorang-2 di rumah...aduii...
i am longing for a nite out to lepak-2...
this weekend mesti p spend time hunting lah for pics..rasa kalo perasaan sekarang ni eye boleh nampak byk benda
biasa.... mata keranjang!!! wakakkakak!
p/s ada kelas ptg ni with the junior.. ada gembira sikit hati (hahahahhahahahah..)
waakkaka aku turut bergembira bersama ko petang ni...i know the feelin..best kan ada motivasi...kirim salam dengan junior ko wakakkaa
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