Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 February 2009...

wat so significant of this date...and yeah even though i know almost all couple in this world would be celebrating VALENTINES DAY...

as for me i am celebrating my car's 4th bday...!!
Gillead Levi Wiranata..
(pada siapa yang tidak tau nama dia...was given by some genius hahah)
so today marks the car's 4th bday...ironic kan that i even remember my cars bday hahaha....of cos lah mark a very penting day too in my life...byk berubah hidup wakakkaa...everybody tau kan!! remember dulu baru-2 dapat ..terus almost hari-2 we cuci kereta ...obses lah katakan...siap polish every weekend...biasa lah masa cinta baru berputik kan kena lah hari2 shine-2 hahaha...Gil and me we gone a long way...utara selatan...p tepi pantai p highlands pun dia juga... when i look at Gill..i definately realize that i made a good choice...eventhough mula-2 bukan pilihan sbenar hahaha..(kalau mau cerita pnjang lebar so tak payah cerita lah) byk juga lah ups and down dengan Gill ni...ada juga tayar 2 kena curi..tapi tak pa lepas kena curi upgrade rim lebih hebat pulak hehehe...selalu nya kalau p workshop mesti mekanik tanya ni kereta boyfren kah????? apa ni...kereta pompuan tak boleh sport kah hahaha..entah lah selalu upgrade2 ni pun atas nasihat like no intention to make it sporty like myself...k lah sambung later tonite...i am goin off to celebrate Gill's bday today wakakakak...yes i will be having cake wakakaka...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GILL...!!! cheers for many more years to come...wakakakkakak.........
wish list: walaupun suka sama kereta yang current...tapi teringin juga upgrade hahaha...tak kan nak hold on to the pass kan ...we shud move on hehee....


DC10 said...

hehehe... hensem betul c gil ni kan... happy belated birthday gil!!! hmmm... wah 4 tahun sdh dia ni...mmg banyak betul he berjasa kan glams... hehehe miss the fridays c gil kasi kawan u ambil me di serdang masa balik dari segamat hehehee... hmmm... mcm mimpi...(sigh)

jenkays said...

yup.. i still think he is hensem...and i made a good choice...hahhaa..yeah i miss those days too...i think the most time yang kita ada kualiti time is during i hantar u p train station sunday afternoon kan...buduhs...masa tu lah baru mo luah perasaan...!!hahaha LOVE YA BABE...