Thursday, February 19, 2009

Aku sorang yang punya hobby biasa...

In the beginning this blog was suppose to be a photo blog....

lama sudah tidak bercerita tentang my hobby...mlm ni mau cerita sikit-2 lah...
kena update diri sendiri how far i have gone kan..!! dulu buat blog ni pun sebab wanted it to be a
photo blog...tapi last-2 jadi emo-blog kan...!! tapi bagus lah channel for me to kasi luahkan perasaan bila tiada org disekitar....(aku tau ada penghendap silent di blog ni..thanks ya kerana membaca hahaha..) i tot takda org minat mo baca hahahaa...

k lah back to hobby...i think i pernah write this somewhere...aku suka dengan hobby baru ni ..sebab cos of it i got to know some new friends...w/pun bukan beratus2 tapi satu dua pun cukup lah...!! kdg-2 hairan juga hasil2 "shoot" dapat meng tell kan story...cerita yang kadang-2 peliks...sometimes hairan juga dengan diri sendiri...skrg bila tengok gambar boleh emo...boleh ada perasaan happy sampai mo melonjak-2 kalo ringan sampai mau buat flip...kadang-2 mode marah...kadang-2 mode terharu...sad..sampai menitis air mata...sampai mau nangis...gila sudah kah aku ni...??!!! ada org cakap aku sudah gila...aku akui..ya aku gila dengan cerita-2 yang aku nampak..!!ada org nampak benda lain...(aku sangat impress..sebab diffrent eye diffrent story) ada yang tak nampak apa-2 pun hehehe..itu pun aku hargai..sebab jujur hehehee...dulu byk benda i tak see...tak feel...but now...______________ .

i think it's like dengar music juga kot...diffrent song have diffrent effect on people at the right time at the right emotion...same goes to pics...lagi-2 kalau the pics you took urself...then when you tambah cerita dari keadaan ur feelin masa ambil gambar...lagi lah byk benda boleh story...but words are not enuff to express...are not enuff to tell the story you want...not enuff to show how you feel...the person looking at it must tell her or his own story...(hahah mesti korang confuse kan..) tak payah fikir-2 byk..i can't put it in words to explain too...tapi i like hearing comments....kritikan...suggestions...sebab kan dah bagitau...i am not talented but am trying to be one damn talented photog...tak kisah talent macam mana...talent mau copy people work pun tak kisah long as ada talent hehehe...
kat my flickr boleh tengok dari mula sampai saat ni...!! bangga dengan diri sendiri sebab aku boleh...aku "pandai" menghasilkan gambar-2 ni yang memboleh aku berkawan dengan individu-2 tertentu...!! takot lah if wanna fikir kalau tak pernah ada hobby ni itu org-2 i think tak akan kawan with me...?:P habis hanya sorang yang biasa-2...

i can do it so can u ...hahahaa...aku hargai komen-2 and kritikan from anybody...!! it makes me try to improve myself...teach me lots...(w/pun kdg-2 bila kritikan di beri tidak tepat pada masa hehehe......boleh juga mendownkan hati...tapi it's ok...i pick myself up and cuba lebih gigih lagi)

pics shown are from my collections..dari awal sampai sekarang iaitu the latest gambar rumah yang first..the rest di susun ikut kronologi time....i enjoy looking and admiring my own photo bukan sebab kereks but sebab disbelief dengan diri sendiri kadang-2...sering keluar di pikiran did i really did that...
ok lah panjang pulak this post...hope u all enjoy the moments thru my eye (but actually thru my heart)
wish list: Wish i was more talented ...and more patient...wish the moments capture your heart just like it captured mine...


jenkays said...

dy i like you this family photo ...can i recomend you blow up this one...and never did say thanks for trusting me to be ur and ur family photog..meant so much to me..!! thanks a lots

Dy said...

hey jane... it really meant a lot to have someone we trusted, someone dear to our hearts and someone we can have so much fun with, taking our 1st big family photos... (mo nangis pulak type tok :P)

My SIL was really impressed as she didnt feel a wee bit as tense as she did during her pre-wedding photoshoot, and yet, the pix came out really really good (in her own words). Thank you very much mate!

After so many discussions, and so many viewing, our family have yet to pick which pix we want!! It's THAT good that it's SO hard to pick!

You've travelled far my friend... as the pepatah says - jauh perjalanan, luas pandangan :)

You've got talent babe. Remember that it's not the talent that makes people draw close to you - it's who you are - even w/out the talent! - i bet you know more than a handful who were already your fren even before you became so good at photography! Someone who cares from deep down in her heart, can only potray the same through her lenses :)

you go gal!

jenkays said...

aduh...knp tetiba rasa mata aku berair pulak...habuk mungkin..!!
thanks..ko buat aku terharu ooo...

kgd2 perlu org remind bah on how we are doin...

tak travel jauh mana pun...heheh.setakat putrajaya,cyberjaya bangi..kuching...hahaha KK...after this MANILA..yahuuuuuuu...!!

but most of all i think it is because people i take are beautifull...and kacak2...

yeah i know the very handfull that are close to my heart...and yang aku hargai selalu...thanks babe...!! we all GO hahaha

DC10 said...

hi glams... mmg smart bah u take photos... ur mind works so fast.. sometimes i think u don't even realize how fast ur brain kerja... i guess that's ur edge.. and u have a good feel lah bout these stuff... i'm so proud of you...

jenkays said...

uii babe..finally you came to visit aye..
sometimes buat perkara yg way ahead my league...too fast terus bila sedar smua nya sudah berlaku hehehe...really wish was walking in a pace of my own