Monday, August 5, 2013

Oh My GOATIE!!..(Diet mode)

 I was at my doctor's appointment last week...and she said the only thing progressing is my weight...!!
and she said.." I am telling you in the nicest way...please lost some weight..and she smiled...!! sooo...ok I am starting diet mode immediately... I have one month before I see her again...
so I decided to start on Friday.....I went shopping for stuffs....oh I tell you shopping on a hungry stomach is really a bad idea...
Meal day 1
 an apple...and orange juice...!!
but I fail...!! was so so hungry that in the middle of the night I had a cookie...!! (all the way from laos this cookie) it really really taste like the kjeldsens's..butter cookies you buy in the round tin...!!live saver this cookie...!
Day 2-
woke up so so so in the fridge...luckily had this...!! so I made pasta with some mince meat which was the left over of tacos filling we had in june...I bet because of the well marinate herbs and seasoning the taste is not bad....
 and yes...I counted how many pasta that I wanted to eat hehehee....pathetic....!!

Dinner was...
 Day 3
Brunch was tuna sandwich...!
 Lunch was salad...with fried chicken!!! (hahaha...I know I know but..i need to stay alive too you know )
I am wondering what to have for dinner today....!! one thing good about going to work is that I won't be tempted to look for something to eat...I had my Green organic drink  this morning and surprisingly I am ok and it's almost 5...!!but I tell you the craving of nasi bryani for dinner is like calling my name!!! hahahaa.....!!

p/s don't be fool by the 1st picture...!! that is a weighting machine that makes people think they are slim...!! am actually not thattttttttt light... (but I wish)


kukuanga said...

dont get too conscious with the diet jen. not good for the soul. :)

what is the weight goal?

jenkays said...

trying to lost 10kg...before my next appointment...Dr Janice wants to know if weight is one of the reason my back still hurts...

Dy said...

Aunty Elley once told me, eat meat, it's slow releasing energy and you wont feel too deprived. So yes, i can totally understand the meat on the salad :D I do that all the time too (and force noel - when he's on diet).

I still cannot understand the concept of makan sikit2... if i wanna eat, i'll eat (lots). ahhahaha...

the curse of having nice rice available recently.

Jum kita kurangkan 10kgs :) (