Wednesday, August 7, 2013

limit is limitless...

I know I have been asking and asking this question over and over again...what is you limit??
how far can one go...? how far can one push his or herself....
i am just hoping to see that oasis in the desert.....that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow....!! but looks like it's all fairytale...!! if i ever have kids...i would not teach them any nursery rhymes or's just putting false hope in their heart and will do much damage when they grow up....!!! 

my wallet is a little dry this month....and i calculated just enough for the whole month...but...just now after going out for dinner with some old friends...i came back to realize that my car front tyre had a tear and was losing air....what a great timing!! but i shrug my shoulder and decided to deal with it tomorrow ...i don't know how i can afford a new tyre but let tomorrow be tomorrow....

there's a favorite song that eva always sings...row row row your boat, gently down the stream...merrily merrily life is like a is really like a Dream that you like it to be!!but when you wake up it is not!!!!!

fud for the heart: It's ok to dream..but when we wake up from's either a bad dream or a good's just a dream!

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