Saturday, August 3, 2013


it's august...4 months to end the year.... time really's already the 8 month of the year.....!! as I read all my post...boy did I have a rollercoaster  year this year....from doing a being stuck with a back problem....and the family had an up and down year too...

but I was glad that I learn lots...and at times was lost but found the way back...this few days having a time with a friend from korea..really reminded me what I really wanted to do this year...and as I wrote during the post of our trip to korea that really was a mind I was to lost touch of that memory..these few days I was reminded once more...of how life is suppose to be (even if I still am searching whats that?)....

many people asked me why my life is uneventful as I didn't get to travel this I ask myself too that same thing..but with the condition of the back that limit me from traveling...and most of it due to the heavy medical bills that I have to foot out monthly...I am still being blessed that my trip to the chiro is always a fun one and an I learn more about my own body...and as I learn to worry about my own healthy and learn to love it never did I all this the way I love/ like the feeling that people offer to pick up heavy stuffs for me's like being pampered....and having people drive me too is a great thing....

so I will say so far this year is a sabbatical year for me to really understand and know my limit....I use to think that pushing myself to the limit is I know it's not...

I would still love to see places and learn more about the culture...maybe I will start going round again when I pick up the financial's my dream to bring my parents for a long holiday... I have to do is time is ticking....

so ...for rest of another 4 months of the year...I hope to..:

1. Be healthier... (I should change my diet...hopefully my back get better...)
2. Be happier... ( should learn to laugh at everything that comes in myway...
3. Be richer... ( save more money)
4. Be ready...(ready for everything that will happen....I realize that my heart is weak....and I seem to handle lost...can seem to understand things....)

P/s : we just lost a grand aunt this morning....and I am trying to just let this passed and don't think about it...

Fudnote: I just wanna live my life as it is the last....

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