Sunday, August 4, 2013

Giving back what we have received...

sometimes it's just sad when we forget to give back what we have received...don't get me wrong... it's not the demanding to be paid's just that I don't get it when people have done so so much for you when you were in need and now it's just a little thing that that someone is asking for just a little time...and yet we make a big fuss....

sad but true...but being a mature person that I am trying to can't force people to realize things too....and most people don't get it...well the next time when someone help or accommodate you...please don't say when it's my turn i'll repay you.. (this is the part I hate most... janji kosong yang tidak ditepati)....

fud for the mind: Never say what you don't intend to do...that's really sick..!!

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