Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend the Weakness..-again

saturday morning....

saturday afternoon...

Saturday evenning

Sunday morning...
yes i know..again hehehe..
here's the chronology of the life of my fatty burger..
 atleast i was being coleslaw...

Sunday evenning

darn it i did it again hehee....i think i shud have this constant post on what i ate i did on my weekends...the bro. aka. housemate was away for the i had the house all to myself...lazying around sampai angkat tilam depan tv...!oh my wonderfull pathetic life!!! i had a good rest...!

updet on FRIDAY...
I was really down after a meeting which i was treated like &*^^%....i went jogging after that...and decided to make myself happy and finally decided to get the i went to celcom in town...i just wanted to enquire... cos i really wanted one...just to be bark back by a idiotic staff....! i was asking about the package...she said "tak boleh...kena register line baru...kena beli dengan line... !!! kalau mau beli set RM2600 ...!!! ( aku dengan muka hairan knp dia ni cakap kasar2? tapi hati masih tenang...) i replied then if i really want to buy boleh tak bagi price smua dengan package...!! she replied " takda stock!!! i was like.."bila lagi ada..? she said " tak tau..... WTFFFFF!!!!!! org macam ni hairan lah boleh kerja sales...!! this is actually my second encounter with her..that day i wanted to pay my dad's broadband and mine...she was rude cos i didn't have the number i wanted to use ic no to pay...! damn this kind of people....!!

Along the way we meet people we really hate that we wanna wish that they will die suffering...!! but then again ...durang pun ciptaan Tuhan yang di wujud kan utk menyusah kan dan menyedih kan hidup kita...tapi in the end membuat kita tidak akan buat sama org lain..!maybe it's just life...maybe org2 itu have a bad childhood or have problems at home ...maybe they have had a hard day...and maybe..lots...! i am just glad my life is ok...keluarga sihat...(as i was gobling down food ...i was happy..cos i was safe and sound in my own "crib" my own house...

fudnote: If your not strong just act as your strong...


Dy said...

WHAT THE HECK!!! all the good food!!! yummy burger!!! hey hey... u got that grill pan...!!! oh i so want! :)

Cheh... org mcm ya punya service... kan dah loose business... SILLY!

jenkays said...

the heck is heck hehehe...
you have a bbq pit lah dy..sik smoky smell.

alu aku terus beli buku diary 2011 cos of her kasarness

Night said...

sedapnya makanannnn...yummmyyyyy..bule buka restoran la tok..

jenkays said...

ko buka lah pare...aku jadi tukang masak hehehe..!

kayau said...

jane..ini best ni klu jadi housemate balik rmh tinghal makan ja ;p

jenkays said...

bah..ko mo jadi housemate sya kah?sama macam housemate sya sekarang...yg tau balik dari ofis ada makanan atas meja...kalau tukang masak cuti mesti kena call tanya "Di mana?...cheh...

ppong said...

bengang betul tu salesgirl. kasi teriak dia balik bah jen. kurang asam betul.

ni entry, perasaan gembira bila nampak gambar makanan yg nyum2! lepas tu rasa geram bila baca pasal tu urang-kurang-asam, in the end rasa lapar sgt2. kihkih