Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Smoky smell

This morning as i walk to my car i smelled a familiar smell..the smel of burning wood...made me remember the smell of Bario...the smell of firewood burning as my aunty prepare the rice for us...made me smiled..

as i walk in the lift..there was a grumpiest kid in the world...with her lips screwed up until you could hook someting on it ...she was really angry in her school uniform...i just wanted to tell her ...Hey kid..enjoy your kid life k...if you think the world is unfair now...wait till you get older and when you're working....!made me smile too...

guess life is just as it's just how you live it...i knw i have been complainning about my job..but i realise it every year it get's harder..every year i get more upset and grumpy..and this time i am at the cliff and is on a brink of breaking down every end of the day...but as i rise i still believe that the day would be a good one..even though there is a long list in my schedule...even the sight of it makes me tumble..but well life must go just have to wait and see till i see some opening...

Today is started well cos i already smile 2 times...!

FUNNOTE:Today is a great day cos today is Lahongs bday..!gona have fun with her tonite..


kukuanga said...

good day today!


kasi salam h B'day sama Lahong.

jenkays said...

tadi pagi aku telah di tengking2 oleh sorang prof depan khalayak ramai..tapi keadaan masih tenang sebab aku teringat mau kampung halaman hehehe...