Friday, January 21, 2011

Sushies Surprise & Barbican Night

Birthday miss Lahongs..
an almost not turning up bday girl for her surprise Bday party....

Birthday Encik Luther... (i didn't bring my camera hence terpaksa cameraphone)
it was a decided to have a non alchohol day...
we still can't understand why it's call beer...
My mini rest day cos of thaipusam was filled with fuds and hanging out friends

Thank God it's friday...!


Dy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the cake punya remarks!! hehehe...

so where was the "beer" made in? Taste anything like beer? :P

Good food, great frens.. ahhh... beautiful life...

kukuanga said...

i am smiling over that paint on the cake too! brilliant!

tersurprise jg cik buffy.

ppong said...

heheh. best tgk muka lahong terkejut. kihkih, encik pny girls tidak tanya itu air abuk?

Night said...

lahong...ko da tua...
luther, ko pon dah tambah satu tahun...

jenkays said...

she's at the age yg masih ok utk bagi mesej begitu...kalau lah u all..aku rasa aku dah kena belasah..hehehe...

Pong:tu air abuk halal...hehee..

pare:kami spend after dinner cerita2 tentang kisah muda2 hahaa..