Monday, January 10, 2011

Muddy Christmas break...

 ketibaan datin booties..


 Nengar nuba'...

 Muddylicious road...

 cooking kikid....(smash bones with rice...)
 konon takluk dunia...!!

 me mama....the human washing machine...!!

Santaian berabis... 

 Open house...

Cousins the carpenters..

Persahabatan di sebalik jamban rahsia...

I had a great long break with family and was mind changing and mind soothing too....i was so stress out before the holidays that i grew lots of white hairs overnight....this time around it was not so Christmasy for me as i was down with a nasty diarrhea....water was coming out both ends....! i couldn't eat of drink anything for 3 all the places i have travelled!! none of this ever happened but it had to happen during this balik kampung trip...! but i was glad i was down with the stomach headache...(terus menjadi budak baik)....
i got well just in time to welcome togou....!! when i told her i was fecthing her with a buffalo i didn't joke...!! i think she had a good walk of her life being there....sorry ya....begitu lah setiap tahun balik kampung means to me was really muddy as it rain everyday but thank God for the rain as this year we all didn't have to "catu" water....

and by the way...we manage to culiks one of a top lawyer from new york back home with us to celebrate the new year....=P
i can go on and on...but anyway...i had a good time and everything made me felt helpless....the older ones are getting old and weak....then younger ones are getting older and are about to live the nest...! and there were stuffs that happened that made me really appreciate what i have...wat is dealing with brainless staffs compare to having ur whole years crop eaten or ruined by a buffalo.....and wat is waitting in an aircon car compare to walking miles and miles of muddy road under a hot sun....
i think i gotta be more greatfull for life is not that bad....
I thank God for showing how small i am when it comes to things...and how much strength He has given me to be strong everyday....
p/s YEAY....just got my CNY tickets..... I AM GOING HOME AGAIN...!!
fudnote: i wish for wishes to come true but in the end it is His will be done... 


Dy said...

the ang mo!!!! tulung tulung!!! tulung lah kengkawan memproceed... gf jak bah tu!

jenkays said...

byk2 gambar aku letak...gambar ya u spotted...!! hahaha...yeah he is almost perfect hahahaa interesting guy too

kukuanga said...

He IS perfect. just not for me kan jen? wakakaka..i'm not that into a lawyer with a sharp tongue and a sharper mind.too intimidating.

jenkays said...

yeah.. the perfect one for us is otw mare...!