Monday, April 30, 2012

medicine for the missing heart...

a few weeks ago i posted in my FB that i was missing my mom's kimchi....

last night the bro.came back and brought me a huge tub of kimchi from mom.....

even though it was a simple gesture but don't know how much it pricked the heart....i could feel my tear ducs wanting to burst into floods of tears....i was really missing home this few days...and just wish i could just leave on the next plane home...maybe it's  just the time of the month when all emotions rush by you..and you just simply feel life sucks....!!and you wish that you were someone else or somewhere a simple tub of kimchi didn't help much to solve the worlds problem...but it showed how much a mom thinks of her child in a simple way...(looks like i will have a feast/rally of kimchi dishes for the whole month LOL)

Hearing news about what happened during the weekend...(got to admit i didn;t even know about a thing about the CLEAN!!...until someone buzz me on FB asking me if i was wearing a yellow shirt....and i didn't bother to even check why...!

oh well the earth will keep moving even if our heart stop...even if we decide to give up....even if we decide to friend or not friend a person in FB (hahaha wat a joke)...i learned that at the age i am...i couldn't be bothered with childish acts...and what happen around me doesn't make me happier so what the heck..(i know my attitude stinks...) oh well...this is life... you can't care about everything...!

Heartnote:sometimes it's nice living in a cocoon....


kayau said...

hehehe rmi paki baju kuning jane...dan jalan di KL lengang boleh limpang2 di jalan lagi ;p..dan bnyk juga polis..;p

jenkays said...

thanks for the news juvi hahaha...durang teda kerja lain kan tu..! cuba smua p tanam pokok atau p kutip sampah..mesti malaysia ni bersih

ppong said...

haha, so i heard. What a joke. The fb thing i mean

kukuanga said...

rajin jg drg pigi berdemo kn? hhaha..cubalah datang p kasi bersih rumah sy kn?

first time ooo sy kena unfren. sedih jg la.

jenkays said...

hahaha..don't worry mare..! sya biasa unfren org hahahaa...!kahkhakahka...*sori teda kaitan..

kayau said...

aik...siapa yg tidak mo kwn sama ko tugou..bagi tau nanti sy tolong marah hehehehe..

jenkays said...

adoii...ko ni juvi...diam2 bah..isu sensitip ni...haish...

kukuanga said...

juvi: adaaaaaaala..

jenkays said...

bagus ko jawab..biarlah rahsia...hahahah