Monday, April 23, 2012


after a whole weekend meeting and lepakking with long..long time friends...(don't want to use old)...suddenly driving to work this morning was really a weird feelin....!last weekend i felt like i was brought back in time to younger days...the carefree days....where you don't think to much...! and you just enjoy the days as it comes....oh man this feelin makes me realise that i am old!! LOL
hanging out with different batches of friends makes me realise how far life has far i have climb...and  how far i have reached....
gone are the days where we couldn't care less of what time it was and still devoure foods in the early morning...not worrying about health....gone are the days where we can just go sleepless for days...not worrying about what comes tomorow...indeed we had all grew up...!some are fathers and mothers....some are executives....some have travelled the world...but one thing reminded me was we had gone thru so much together and sharpen each other along the way....

thanks guys for being my friends....!


kukuanga said...

how we long for the old sweet days kn? however, kita yang sekarang ni adalah jauh lebih baik kn? (kalau xda keja macamana mau bejalan-jalan? muahahhaha..) so ya, no matter macamana bagus tu dulu2. kita yg sekarang jauh labih baik. mare, fighting!

jenkays said...

yeah up with kawan2 UKM,Kawan2 SIBkajang kawan2 perkeb...terus rasa fuh...! but then bila tgk where we are now...terus rasa wah jauh perjalanan dan byk kemajuan in life sudah kita lalui...and to see all those country that we have gone together...hidup kita memang DEBAK!!! hahaha...dulu masa study mo p kedai cina pun fikir 2 kali kan hahaha...! Fighting Mare..! if itu lah jalan yg Tuhan bagi..Dia pasti bagi kan...!