Sunday, September 20, 2009

My DIET Went Crash Boom Bang...!

1st Day RAYA...

Happy Raya Everybody..! IT's a holiday time..!
"Aku rasa aku dah lost weight sudah..!!" this was what was playing in my mine..! but then the festive season had to come and ruin everything...semua salah ko semua salahhhhh kooooooooooo..!! (*cover line dengan rasa tidak bersalah hahhaa)

Makan syndrom started with pre raya where i had a delicious extravaganza western meal...ini gara2 mata besar dari perut.. byk sangat mengorder...

Went to melaka this morning for Raya at my cousins place...before that ..had to tell...i drove my cousin Jacob's Triton this morning...fuh dahsyat lah drive 4wd ni...cruising the highway...miraclely there was no jammed today...where have everybody gone!!! but as as the pilot...memang suka bawa sesat2 hahahaa...sekali lagi utk tahun ini beraya aku sesat lagi...! every year p mesti buat adegan sesat!!! macam ritual pulak..~

as usual beraya mesti is all about makans...(hhehehe ini taksiran sesat aku)so apa lagi lah makan sini makan sana..!never ending eating story...siap tapau lagi bila balik..!

This pics is my aunty and cousins...(see it's really genetic...i tell you genetic!!)

And i had to make things worst by goin to secret recipe to buy cakes...I am so so addicted to Macadamia White Choc Cake...!! it's been almost a week that i have cravings for it...!craving as in hari2 makan ...aduhsssssss...demmit..!! please stop jane...please....!

oh ya ni latest obsession too...makan begitu saja..and makan dengan nasi pun boleh...!! TEMPEYEK!!
I SO HATE HOLIDAYS NOW...!! hahahhaa..asal cuti saja makan non stop!! aduii..dui..dui...! and i think by the end of this holiday aku ni will be addicted to something too...! macam everynite saja ada drinking session ni...! kena habis kan lah if not will sambung and sambung :P...
see ya next update..i have to eat something again........!


lahong said...

haha..ko p jugak secret recepi sorang2..mmg tega dah ko ni ! ngko tega n tegar!(ntah apa2 jak ayat yg sy guna tu).
sabar dong.nnti geng2 yg lain akan smp ke bumi kajang down babeh! hehe

jenkays said...

kuat semangat bah demi macadamia white choc tu..! kalau ikut hati mo beli satu biji kek terus hahaha...risau sungguh aku...terus takut mo timbang diri sendiri...!