Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's MY LIFE...

Life seems to be goin on and on as it is....

A typical working day of my life :

6.30am :Cock Crow..(bunyi alarm bangun and set 6.45am)

6.45am: Alarm bunyi lagi...tutup tapi tido balik..5 minit lagi lah...

6.55am: Grab my towel and off to mandi...

7.15am: Iron Baju and bersiap2...

7.30am: Gone out the door...!!

7.55am: sampai opis terchenta...!(tipuuuuu...tak like langsung)

8.00am-9.00am: log in FB,Blog..dan blog2!

9.00am kerja lahhh..........

10.00am Breakfast....

10.30am :kerja lagiiiiiiiiii...(sambil2 FB and blogs stalking)

1.00pm Lunch Break..

2.00pm-5pm - kerjas lagi...

5.15pm- GO HOME!!! (sambil senyum2)

6.00pm - Watch tv sambil2 kunyah2 apa2 yg patut or sometimes potong2 sayur2 hahaaa

7.00pm- masak utk housemate...and diri sendiri

8.00pm- habis makan...tengok News...(mana lah tau cuti di umumkan tu lah kena tengok berita) tapi always can never finish the whole news...selalu tertido...

10.20pm- KOREA TIME....

11.30pm- masuk bilik layah FB lagi...! sampai tertido dengan laptop masih on...!

2.30am /4.30am: Never failed to bangun time ini to off laptop...!!

and continue the next day

my days are boringgggggggggggggggg


lv said...

mampu jugak ko ko bangun tgk tv 10.20 pm and off laptop at those ungodly hours owh!!! hmmm..... ur day is not that bad la... chill beb!

kukuanga said...

aha.. normal laitu..

kukuanga said...

me going home today jen. see ya in less than 2 weeks from now. until then... hang on there mare. you're doing good.)lps ni tada internet dah... i better get myself a broadband kan? adei..)

and about the plan to go to sikawan pny wedding. i dont think i can go lah in Ranau that.. sorry.

posen cancel. kita pigi chili's. nah... ketagihan mashed potato ni.

jenkays said...

lv:tu auto pilot terus terbangun..when come to think about it..yeah life is not bad at all..

bah selamat pulang and see ya 2 weeks...can't wait for the excursion...really need a break from all of this...
bila ko ada masa mo manikkan baju aku..? wedding tu takpa..kita p crash wedding org lain pulak nanti k...

Night said...

hemm..mare.tanpa ko sedar, ada jugak bunga-bunga kehidupan kau least ada juga coraknya kelihatan..sik menarik kat kau sebab kau dah besa nangan tapi bg aku cam sangat menarik plak..hhehehe

jenkays said...

menarik kah pare..?smlm lah aku rasa menarik sebab berlari2 balik rumah utk tengok korea hahaha...!!gilers...
mungkin kalo kita switch2 hidup will be interesting kan...hehee

DC10 said...

wahhh... 4th quarter of the year sdh sampai... life's pretty great... although seem mcm boredomusextravaganza sometimes... jgn sj sampai shutdown...hehehe. nice plateful jg u got there glams...