Monday, September 28, 2009

the feelin of Suffocated

I am a simple person trying to carry on with my life...

When you do things on your free feel nice and good...

When you are force to do something...There's just a feelin of lazyness...and sometime a feelin of menyampah ness..!

expectation tinggi membuat diri ini sangat letih...!! bila di banding2 membuat diri ini lebih meluat...!!

haish knp i rasa rimas..! rimas...rimas...! rasa terikat..!

perasaan ini hanya sekejap...esok lusa di harap melupakan...!

Can't i ever be happy of doin things with my free will...i am just feelin trapped..! dem this feelin...smoga esok lebih baik dari hari ni dan semalam...! dan lusa lebih dahsyat dari esok...!


kukuanga said...

that bad mare?
owww... cheer up..2 weeks more for kelantan trip.

jenkays said...

thanks mare..?just the feelin yg tidak suka..! apart from that couldn't be bothered...

yeah...seksa menunggu juga adventure p kelantan ni..! foreign land..foreign language...but wonderfull food...! oh no...*kain baju kurung ku udah ketat bangat!!!