Thursday, July 23, 2009

My dad the new blogger

Recently i ask my dad to start his own blog...he has always wanted to start writing a biblio but never did start....after much tutorial session which kadang2 aku rasa meradang sebab sebab tidak paham2...and biasalah as anak jarang lah mau ambil tau tentang apa bapa dia mo tulis...after a few comments that i saw on his blog by some friends...aku baca juga...tapi persoalan nya knp aku baca terus mata aku berair..!! and i really see apart of my dad yang sincere in his writing...boleh rasa betul2 dari hati dia menulis...
stories that he tells we have always hear from him..but somehow reading about how he was when he was young made me feelllllllllll....he had a hard life when he was young...but i can sense that he learned lots....seeing him goin back to his kampung after retiring...made him a diffrent man that i know...i know his heart long to go back and "berjasa" to his kampung...and to pay ODE to his father...! i did comment something to him once that i regreted...i said..Pa,luckily your kampung is accescible by road...if have to walk for another 4 hours..i wud never come back..!!after reading of his he walk to school...not hours..but days...made me realise..all of that made ME too..!! if he had been a lazy boy...i wouldn't be here right now...! so, pa, even if i don't seem to show emotion that i care...or i am interested on how you lived your hard it was for you...I SALUTE you...!!I HEART YOU...!!THANKS...i know i can't repay you...i wish you all the best with your big dream in Bario...!

fudnote: I really thank God that He has given my dad a second chance...

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