Friday, March 20, 2009

Off day and Chilling with some frens...

Yesterday was an off day from work for me...!!(and some others too..):P... need time off and just chill... started my day early dow...rushing to the hot air balloon thingy...!!

was not really in the mood of photo taking actually...but like everybody was making a big fuss about goin so might as well join in the crowd...was a bit blur actually...tidak tau apa yang org amik hehehehe...just follow-2 saja...was in a hurry juga actually sebab ada benda yang lebih interesting mau buat hari itu hahahaa....

after that pick up dy from erl and had breakfast!!...light..light breakfast kan..dy..kan..!!! wakakakaka....konon!!!!!!!..
then we made our way to tempat kejadian... the LENGKUNGAN!! The curve lah dey...!! tapi anih..macam ritual kalau p sana mesti p IKEA....tapi cuba mendisplinkan diri..!! TOGS..aku beli place mat...dun know why just love the colour..!! much for nak control diri hahahaha...then jalan-2 duduk-2 hahaha....join by 2 anynimous fren....(kihkihkih saja tidak mau menamakan korang...)nanti org cakap kita buat reunion tidak khabar kan pulak about taking photoes kita tidak ambil pun kan pics...ok lah ...tidak ada bukti lah !!! wakaakakakaka...nanti lain kali aku buat copy paste lah....We went for lunch at place to hang out...duduk sampai 3 jam punggung pun panas...!! thanks lah guys for turning up memang lama kita tidak lepak sebegitu kan..!! impromtu "reunion" lah wakakkaaka....

then we sambung tempat lepak yang sepatutnya berada pada pukul 9.30pm...tapi oleh masalah teknikal terpaksa di awalkan sehingga org pun tak buka lagi lah Laundry..!! AND Italianese lah jg...tapi drinks hmmm...beginner level lah...wakakkaakkaa....ribena kan!!! wakakkaka...cheh...!!

alamak tak da gambar mcD pulak...!! after that p mcD pulak wakakakaka...

so much for just hanging and chilling macam menambahkan kalori di badan saja ni...!! tapi all n all ok lah..catching up kan..and doin nothing...!! FUN lah..!!

Malam pulak macam amazing race...!! in quest to get something for my bestie...!! thanks glams for coming!! hahahah ..just in time to pick up ur bday presents kan hehehehe...hope you like them..!! mesti lah you pick them !!! kihkihkih...!!

ok lah masih lagi hang over pasal tired...!! tapi all n all was fun..lama sudah o tidak rasa just doin nothing but hanging with frens...!!

next time lah kita pulak dress up hahahaha..!! and lepak !! wakakaakak senget punya idea hahahaha....


Dy said...

hehe... i'll comment on the 1st part of your day... I LOVE IT!!! had a REALLY good time from the minute i stepped off erl!... and I missed it the minute the land under my feet became "east" instead of "west"... sigh... life just gotta go on.

Thanks to the two anonymous frens who took time for the mini reunion lunch too. you both thought me new meaning to the phrase "just do it!" :) hope u guys had as much fun as i did! it was simply lovely to see that "bump" on your tummy! :)

hey mate, again and again, i just gotta say, thanks for taking the day off and spending it with me, of all the people! Next time, let's go to "our" apartment! (and do the laundry at nite also!!)

now, can someone please tell me what are we supposed to do with that olive oil + black vineger on our table!! =P (check out that oily plate in the last pix!)

jenkays said...

that means ko perlu datang dengan lebih kerap hahahaa.. i find new places for us to explore k hahaha...

have no idea too wat the plate off oil is for hahaha..tak kan utk kasi cuci tangan wakakaka...!! sudah lah bayam berpasir kan wakakaka....

yeah-2 let's go back to the Apartment next time and then do Laundry too k

Unknown said... time invite me aa...
sy tercari2 geng mau pg amb gambar:P

jenkays said...

aku pun teda geng bah ni...selalu jalan-2 sorang-2...k lah akan di ingatkan utk mengsms ko bila aku p mana2 k..heheh..