Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Tribute to my friend...NIMROD OJILIM...

(got this pic from his school blog)
Sihat betul kan ,kita semua memang mengalami perubahan dahsyat iaitu double our sizes kan!!..dulu kurus kering betul..

i think most of us know about this...i am dumbfound...tak tau lah apa mo fikir...really cannot ever imagine a brother go just like that...terus teringat dia....

I remember him as a brother....
I remember his heart full of sweetness..grace...and kindness
I remember him as a person full of wisdom...
I remember him as a joker..(w/pun kadang2 entah apa2 lawak dia tu..) tapi kita ketawa saja
I remember him as the one wearing jerseys...
I remember him as the one who got married first...(ni memang kita semua terkejut dulu)
I remember him as a person full of surprise...
I remember him as one cool guy ( jarang tengok dia marah & selalu suruh org cool)
I remember his sweet voice and his talented guitar playing... (i use to be kagum dengan him goreng-2 guitar)

ingat dulu masa he ajar carroling masa semua sudah marah and tired tapi he masih cool...

I still can't believe it..but i have to know that everything ada masa dia kan...!!

this is his last mesej on the 10 march 12.15am (almost a day before his death) at dawn's facebookwe were joking around about something... and he replied-Yep...HE is always there for us... memang selalu typical of him to remind us kan to be strong..and always remember how good God is to us...

fuh...speechless lah...shocking indeed!!!

pray for his family k...his two young boys and his wife...

Nimirody...You were a great guy!!taught me lot's about life..! How to just smile masa tensen-2 di PERKEB to just sing your heart out when in troubles..!!


Dy said...

Why is it i can't get the sound of his laugh out from my head (and my heart). We'll miss you bro.

Abidin Agan said...

its a mystery we'll never fully understand.

jenkays said...

i sampai tahap just shut down pemikiran and don't wanna think about it...persoalan yang tidak akan di jawab...!!

wat a shocker!!

DC10 said...

HE knows... i guess that's all we ever need to know...

p/s if i ingat c nemo mesti i ingat dia punya stail nyanyi mcm welyar kauntu... ada hook tugging at the heart di hujung2 his voice

jenkays said...

you said it right...yeah..selalu kalau dia nyanyi betul-2 boleh feel memang from his heart...still boleh picture dia menyanyi...trying to put lagu berlari yang dia nyanyi...tapi tidak dapat...i dengar last nite..aduh..betul menyentuh hati...