Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gilers letih tapi cool and sempoi lepak day..!!

today ofis ada seminar at tingkat 5 chanselery/chanselori (org-2 hebat-2 besar2 kat UKM ni can't make up their mind macam mana mo spell)
spt biasa i di tugas kan jaga kat lift...hmm rasa macam kerja jockey kereta pun ada hehehe...biasa lah pangkat rendah saja...takpa lah biasa saja kerja kan...dari 8-6pm stay sana...tapi hairan takda kerja duduk browse website saja...macam kerja website stalker saja...best lah kalo kerja macam tu and get paid....it'll be heaven hehehe...lepak-2 sama kawan-2 opis hehee...ni kali i cakap kawan lah..cos feel like kawan lah group ni..bukan kenalan spt yang lain hhehehe....whole day talk about photoes...website...n other stuffs...cool lah...kalo di ofis duduk dalam bilik and sendiri-2 saja...

ni gambar kononnya sibuk kerja hahaha..tapi sbenarnya tengok blog hahahhaa...kihkihkih

i like this pic...tapi kesian muka epul keletihan hehehe...

ni konon nya masa jadi jockey kereta...terus sempat posing dalam bilik vip hahaha...

ni with my ex officemate dulu...dulu giler close macam adik beradik...tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi sebab jauh...but ok lah we still frens...gone thru boss yang gilers in the world dulu and still alive hehehehe....
macam letih juga doin nothing kan hehehehe....tapi tak pa lah tidak lah otak semak...otak macam relax saja today...hehehe..!! phew today habis sudah...!!tiba-2 rasa macam mau p dancing to the beat lah today ...apasal ah?? heheheh...
to all my pares.....today akugilermatirindukatkorang!!!


kukuanga said...

miss u too!

i'll be in KL 19-22... panjang pula kan? (actually di Port Klang). ada seminar with health office sana. boli sy p crash tpt ko?

hahahahhahahhahah! Sushi on me.

jenkays said...

bila exact date ko datang crashing at my crib?? can't wait too haha..kita p sushi puchong hehehe...kalo mo up sikit solaris lah di damansara hahhaah

gilersmatirindu sama ko juga!!

kukuanga said...

19, di IMR (one whole day) then off to port klang (20-22). different seminars tu arr..

maybe sunday 22 malam?

jenkays said...

wokey..!! i wait for you hahaha..kihkihkih!!..kita boleh lah check out someplace i wanna go for sushi..kat puchong!!