Monday, May 24, 2010

Bounty Weekend...

weekend is gone and it's ain't coming back....

I think i had a bountifullness weekend...apart from working on a weekend...waking up early weekend morning to go to work....i sure need a rest...!!

i became a ding dong millionare too....:P walking the street with 1 million in my purse sure gives me the great confidents the way i did a couple photoshoot too (imagine rushing in the morning...shooting and then rushing back to office...) i had to change in between...hahahah changing my cloths while driving is my latest skill i aquired hahhahaha....(gambar boleh didapati di

i really can't wait for my break with my darlings in a few weeks...

but i have to get through this hectic week first...

Hati ini tetiba merindui DIA....and i know i need HIM for my strength to go on this walk....makin hari ,org di sekitar sangat memberi impak yang tidak bagus di hati... i think i really need to bail out of this's just getting not healthy more and more each day....!!

fudnote: Hati...silalah berjalan dengan tenang setiap hari....silalah abaikan bila jiwa goyah...terus lah berjalan...

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