Thursday, January 21, 2010

Demn this world..!

Hari ini hari yang sungguh mencabar utk lalui... (demn why do i sound like a malay story book)

it's one of the day that i just want to laugh sekuat2 hati sampai ternangis2 and nangis2 sampai ketawa2 memperbodohkan diri....
why is this life hard to go about ha?despite having "heart"problem this few days...demn..demn...
tetiba today i received a letter saying there's an offer to do attachment in an educational institute overseas..namely PARIS (cakap pun sudah mo nangis..)ironically closing date for application is on the 25 January.........Bodoh sial bengong...!! today is 21st lah....i have only one and half day to think about it and go buat permohonan for release...and standard procedure and redtape/birokrasi of a gov sect. you all know it will take months of approval....when i only have 2 days...why bother bagikan surat tawaran tu...!! shishhhhhhhhhhhhh....oh well forget about it...
ada perasaan marah,sedih,confuse..hmm..
walau apa pun terjadi berjalan lah tanpa henti...!!
Fudnote: mampu kah aku?jalan tanpa henti...please someone take my heart and campak lah ke laut....!


Dy said...

Can Jane... can... see the Broga Hill... your climbed once then felt like wanna die, then this coming weekend, you're going again... so yeah, jalan jak... go head jak... iboh stop k... Broga Hill, u reached point 1, in keadaan "pancitsssss" like popong said, then u pegi lagi, then you'll pegi point 2, point 3 and so forth... so,... wlpun in keadaan pamcitsss... terus kan jalan k...

A familiar hymn comes to mind...

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to Him...
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge
Take it to Him...

jenkays said...

thanks Dy...can i just rest a while on this rock i am sitting...?

kukuanga said...

no jen
kalau p hiking, tidak boleh stop lama2. pandai cramp tu kaki. and your jantung also, pandai terkejut tu.

better, jalan pelan-pelan, yang penting jalan.