Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Not ready to close a chapter to start a new one....

First blog for the new year...

I kinda feel nervous for this year...for i don't know what is instore...been travelling a lot this passed weeks...jumpa byk org..people from the passed and people from the present..don't get me wrong....been with good friends....people who were once very2 close to me...met families...met old friends...met my school teachers...met my ex-classmates...
bila jumpa2 org2 ni terus byk juga perasaan di hati...bercampur2...ada lucu ...ada yang gembira...ada yang rasa sedih...kadang2 ada perasaan menyampah... marah...! smua campur...

I need strength for i know not wat is ahead of me...tipu kalau aku cakap aku tak takut apa di depan ...hidup..hidup dengan gembira...mati??sakit??

haish...i know i am in good hands...but i just can't help it...

2009 rasa nya byk lah juga yang buat hati gusar..hati sedih...maybe that's why i am scared of 2010....

really i am scared....

Fudnote:dari apa yang aku tulis hari ni ...boleh rasa byk mo tulis tapi hati bercelaru...!just perlu doa utk kekuatan..

1 comment:

Dy said...

Reading ur entry tetiba keluar lagu this in my head...

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone,
Because I know, I know,
He holds the future
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives..

God Bless you my everdearest friend