Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The LOVE that i want to remember...

I want to remember the love that i have known deep in my heart...

the love that was able to make my cry in all circumtanses....in all that what i feel..! may it be the worst day of my life...! or may it be the simplest thing in life that show's me He is with me in all i do in all my path...

I want to remember how it feels to just sit still and feel His presents..Just to close my eyes and know He holds my future...and to just let Him lead me throught the storms...wonders and miracles in life....

I want to remember how it was like to be amaze in little things that He has done in my life...may it the simple air that i breath in ...! to be amaze that i am able to wake up everymorning and to give thanks to Him...

Inspite of this...I have forgotten how it feels...I have forgotten what that love is about...my heart is just broken into pieces by the polluted air that i am breathing in...by the things that people do to me...by the harshness and the selfishness of people around me...that is sucking the life from me...! many time have i try to figure out why they do the things they do without taking one's feeling in accord... I hate this SELFISHness in them..! and oso by my own doing that i choose not to be near Him...that i choose not to remember anymore the feelings...I have really starting to FORGET and remember no more....
Fudnote: regardless of what people say or motivation people give.. it's still a journey i have to face alone to search for Him again...! I so hate Hipocrasy..!!Demn you who ever tell me that it'll be easy to find my way...because you know it yourself that it's not easy...!! :P

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