Gua Niah - Separuh Jiwa ku...
Ini muka before...(masih lagi muka tidak tau perjalanan 8km)
Ni muka masih ingat trip p balik 4km :P
Ni muka lepas pun senget sudah...sama only took 1 sebab tidak larat
bila cakap mau p... Gua Niah..everybody tot we were crazy... but i tot we had fun..memang macam mengembara...konon nya mo bertolak at 6am ( sorry uncle,tidak bermaksud menipu tapi spt korang cakap gua belum buka...)
we started journey pukul with my heavy equipment plus spare tyre sini sana...memang rasa berat 100kg...but redah saja...
but i was really greatful that we did this trip w/pun tidak cukup kuorum...(mesti fun gila2 kalau smua ada kan???) betul2 rasa cabaran mental and fizikal betul jalan2 di Gua Niah this...tapi yg paling best bila rasa mo give up betul2 ada org tanya are you ok?and di kasi suluh jalan...(terharu aku masa ni diam2 saja hehhee) terus terpikir ni lah kengkawan aku sehidup semati hhahhaha...
MIRI 26-29 November 2009 - Separuh Hati tertinggal di Miri
Seems kejap saja di Miri, but don't know why macam lama..macam byk benda we did...tapi i sure miss the nite snacks malam2....Mee kolok putih,merah,hitam ..wakakakak.....(nite kami makan bah mee kolok merah dengan lahong..memang merah bah...korang hari tu tertipu sudah hehehe)
Our photog kecik..!!
Cute dania kan..?
Si daddy ni...isk isk..isk...(still can't get over percubaan aku mengorat nya that nite) dania so serius....!!
Really had a great time with real friends kat miri...even kita semua bukan asal sana hehehe...
we tend to laugh at each other cruel to each other...but it's ok the bond that bind us seems stronger...i am glad i made this trip sort of see a side of miri that i have never seen before...suddenly made it sad to leave that day...betul2 rasa macam tidak mo balik...! when i reach LCCT otw home i don't know why but i cried the whole way back...seperti ada something i left behind...tetiba Miri seems to feel macam everybody made us at home...and was really fun seeing even family of friends made me feel like i was a part of them...meeting nite's parents...abi's, jo's...lahongs family....macam kita pun jadi family...memang rasa peliks kan...I can never explain the relationship we all have with each other...we were all from different background and we met in kajang...and we are all friends..or shall i say family till now...