last nite i was starting to feel abit emo...sadis tau..!! clearing the car...macam byk pulak benda2 kenang-kenangan terjumpa pulak...!! lot's of things like ...oh there it went..or wow i almost forgot about this...!! but guess wat...i threw them all...!! just put in a garbage bag tied it up and just threw it out...!!have to end this relationship sooner or later kan...!!just have to do it...
I certainly have to say..!! Gil have serve me well...brought me places...brought me thru times went people in my life walk in and out...tetiba pulak ingat trips byk2 to KLIA and LCCT...trips to no where pun ada...!!tak pa lah lupakan saja kan yang berlalu..!! he is no more mine...and i am no more his...!both parting our own ways..tot was to be forever but tidak begitu....
p.s to let u guys yang tidak tau...I actually got GIL for my valentine day present 14 Feb.2005...
k lah...have to end this relationship sooner or later kan...!!just have to do it...
takda apa mo di gembirakan sebab tetiba plan utk yang baru terpaksa di aborsi setakat ni aku sudah patah kaki...!!
new car coming???!!!
was coming..! but kena abort due to too much komitment..(ni kata2 pihak finance) so right now i udah car less...
oitt..ko kena tukar dah title topic atas tu..:P
dah fikir nama yg baru?
nama sudah ada...tapi kena tunggu baby baru datang hahahaa
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