Friday, June 5, 2009

Jadi lah seperti Noel!!

today i woke up with perasaan ..Hari ini Jumaat..!! hari yang di tunggu2...
langkah masuk ofis dengan hati yang..."hari ini kena bertahan saja"...
terus pagi2 kene threat macam sampah tetiba..!! tidak lah teruks but...i hate the feelin when you are caught with your heart unshield...terus terasa mata basah saja..!! hati cedera....
hairan pulak tetiba hati retak....! tidak minta byk..just a bit of respect la...(entah lah sejak dua menjak ni betul2 long for being respect...!!)cakap pun macam sampah...!!aku respect org tua..! tapi org tua tu tak sedar perkataan2 dia tajam menusuk hati...! tah lah they all kali memang biasa cakap kurang ajar...dah lah mak bapak aku ajar aku sentiasa respect org tua...!!

tertekan dari semua penjuru rasa nya...byk benda mo siap that i cannot do......byk benda mo fikir...byk benda..byk byk byk...!!!rasa sperti enjin yg over used terus mogok!!

browsing tru gambar2..terus ter serempak dengan this little boy....!!this little boy who i love..!(aduh crystal sdh mata aku ni) this little boy who threat me like a superstar...!! this little boy who threat me like a super hero...!!this little boy who loves me back...!!and i think he adores me too...!! little that i have done to him...little that i request from budak kecik macam dia..boleh ada instinct...boleh ada compassion....!!lama2 i tengok..i pray hard that dia akan grow up dengan kekuatan ...kekuatan yang dahsyat...!! supaya tidak di bully...tidak di kurang ajar oleh staff dia..!! i pray he will be a successfull man that will enjoy his work..his life...!! Nama ini budak Noel!!...

muka happy dapat stick baru....!! (black wo...!!)
last time got him a drumstick was about 2 years ago when he came to visit us in kajang...!!

he memang suka pose for aunty jane's big-2 lense!! (he was proud to show off me that day..." that's my friend aunty jane " he said.

haish...aku akan nangis on the day he marry's his darling...:P.....( boleh imagine lah kita aunty2 dia datang wedding dia...mesti nangis berabis!!!)

NOEL...memang hero hati aku...!!he teaches me lots...dengan apa dia cakap..simple..!! very simple...Preservere!!! and No worries..God will Help..!! (tgk budak kecik pun pandai..!!) most of the time we put down out shield..and forget who is in control of our life...!! sometimes kita just plain tired....just plain wanna give up...just wanna stop!!..but this life is worth carrying on for the cause...!

Hari ini aku hampir putus asa....aku hampir kecundang...aku hampir walked out...!! (i did walk out...but i stalled...I need the strength I need the hope...perlu belajar balik utk menjadi kebal...!!utk menjadi org yang tidak kisah..!!(wonder wat happen i use to don't give a demn...mungkin mula ada relationship with them here...)

really need to to rejuvenate...recharge...!!revive!!!


Dy said...

yesterday, his little cousin took his new drumsticks and started banging (while he was having his dinner). Automatically, he took the old one and changed it. I thought he want to give away the old one.

Instead, he said "Del, you can borrow this. But for a while only ok? Aunty Jane buy for me, i must take care of it. Next time i can show her still good, OK? Later you give back to Ather so Ather can keep, OK?"

Yes, he looks up to you. and i never wonder why. i understand perfectly so.

jenkays said...

it helps when i am down to remember little and innocent yet full of have tot him well...his eggarnerss too...hari ya when you guys p order..i ask him why don't drink he said cannot not yet pray..!! little things that i forgot...

please help me... help pray...for i am in a brink of givin up d...