I enjoy taking my Nikko for shoots...but sometimes i pity my toy sebab perlu berkhidmat di bawah matahari yang panas...sometimes boleh feel when i touch nikko,ada rasa dia panas...ada rasa dia letih...ada rasa dia tidak mau cooperate...weird kan...tapi it's true..especially the getting panas part...sometimes i don't realize the emotion and moments that can be captured until when i come home after a tiring day shooting and when i search for that special picture that i love and that can make me satisfied for the day...that is wat makes me happy...and my heart meltz...and makes me wanna take more....ambik gambar ni boleh buat kita down juga kadang-2...sejak suka ambil gambar ni i think it plays lots of my emotion...gumbira..saddis...confuse pun ada...
really susah wanna separate passion and cari makan....but i think i have already decide...i do it cos i love to do it...not because of the earning...(macam la kena bayar selama ni wakakakak)...because i love to put smile on peoples faces when they see the pics...and also see confident level org shoot high bila rasa diri sendiri canteks dalam gambar LOL...it's a great feelin dow...org puji looks dia sendiri...tapi siapa yang capture?? hehehe...
This are some of the pics during last weekend photoshoot...this are sort of the kind i love taking...
candid...emotions...and sweeeeeeeeetttt...
(ini lah actually wat i like...but apa boleh buat...:P kena ambil atas permintaan juga kan...)
woi! perli org eh! hahahahha.dpn u je la babe meninggi diri~ haha. nway, i loove sume my pix utk shooting kali ni even sbenanye bkn watak utama pun.hehehe
eh..terase ker? tak cakap pun ...hahaha...puji ler bukan perli...let's go shot lagi babe...nak amik kali ni nak amik bertema kan "Just Me..." (i mean you lah...nak buat perbandingan dulu and NOW...I know you LOVE being capture...and i enjoy capturing too...set date k....
haha.sebok nk amik gmba org..g KK dlu la! blk nnt baru cite.hahahah
eleh suke ler ..nak cakap aper...dah sampai pun ni...hahaha...balik nanti set date la..
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