Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hari yang penuh emo...

have you wish that you could fly...i always wish but bet it will never come thru...

Colours in your life...warnai lah hidup diri sendiri dengan apa-2 sj yang kita suka buat..because kita sendiri yang menentukan mood kita...if you wish to be happy even though your sad your be happy..(betul ker..??)

Goofing around....

Sometimes it's ok to let go and just follow the just goofing around with friends... Miss la time-2 goofing around...kini smua sudah dewasa...

heavy clouds just makes me feel like crying...
berat mata memandang berat lagi hati yang merasa... tadi time photoshoot terus terasa mau cry...aduh...!! tapi terpaksa control cos ada org lain :P...

reflection of clouds...

reflection on how life have been...
life has been good...
life has been full of joy and happiness
Life has been full of ups and down too...

As we are approaching the end of the year we shud just stop everything and just ponder on God's perfectionist plans for our so un perfect life....He provides...He leads...We just have to let go and let Him be in control...

Nota kaki: Hari ni hari yang penuh emo dan penat hobby tetap jalan...passion is phototaking...

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