Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When we think what is good doesn't mean things will be better....

As I was driving to work this morning...I realize the authority has improvise to improve the traffic flow of the lane opposite my journey to work...I always boast that I am always against traffic flow and I love it...!
but ever since they open an extra lane for the opposite direction and meaning that the lanes of my direction become a 2 lane instead of 3...and it causes a slight heavy flow of traffic my way....

Life decisions are hard...sometimes you think that you are making life easier for you it might cause other people to be burdened... and sometimes you think that you are helping others but without realizing u are burdening yourself at the same time....

I love the journey to work and I can ponder upon life and have a real quality time by myself and sometimes having quality talk time with Him...

as we live our life in the track that we are on....there will be lot's of decision we have to make...some easy...and some hard as well...and sometimes we hit the wall and don't seem to understand what happen!!...but above all....whatever we do we do it in the Name of HIM and we hope for the's how we see life we interpret me life is is miserable (Now that is)...but it's the matter of how you see it....right now I see going to work as if it's a life saving everyday I wake up  I will say to myself if you don't go to work and solve something today someone will DIE!!!!....

as the busy-ness of life take over...I find myself more conservative...less laughing at silly jokes...easily irritated by stupid and simple things....maybe it's a sign of needing a holiday badly...I really need a day off from everything but then again...I am a life saver...:p... and I have to work!!

oh well all is GOOD!!!

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