Wednesday, December 14, 2011

i have been wearing these around my neck for 2 months...and is believing that there is still and hope....

this was bought in australia together with a good friend...we made a promise to get fit...and to lost some weight...and this was the reminder for us...the deal that we started actually with a bet...but i rather think it was a good start...the reward was if either one that couldn't shed the weight that we had decided we will be given a flight ticket to a destination...

back to the 3 rings.., everytime i walk or move,it will have a "clinging" sound...and it's sort of a reminder for my that i should take care of my body..and i have to control what ever intake my body takes... when i am doin my exercise/work out it clings too...and it reminds me to work push myself...
(its seem to be a cool thing to have)..i was pushing myself to fight for the reward...but finally i realise that i love my routine now...and felt better about  myself...

starting to love myself and then have faith in what i believe and then hoping for the best in life....

i am not saying that this becomes an idol of my life..but it becomes a reminder for me... it reminds me to carry on what i do...and never give up...

unless we learn to love ourself more we tend to realize that we can love others more...i use to think more of people and less of myself...and i know now that it's not always's like the reminder when you are on an airplane...the airhostess will tell you to put on the oxigen mask on urself first before u put it on i realise that at times i forget how to breath and how to help myself as i am too busy helping others to breath and to survive...and as these 3 things reminded me to be love...have faith & hope...

p/s:been thinking...and rajin writing...maybe because have been having plenty of ME time by myself...memang dahsyat kalau you don't have a are not in this world..but i seem to like it...terus hidup ini aman tanpa deringan hehehe....(but it's not totally a good thing) hehe..

heartnote: let's love..and be love...and have faith..and have hope too...!! ganbatte !! just do it!

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