Monday, January 19, 2009

can't blame some naive people, they are not exposed...

gambar setakat hiasan semata2

i was at a workshop last weekend...and the place was having a party next door to our meeting place....i don't know wat got into me when i was getting anoyed of people so naive about real things happening around them...ada lah makcik sorang ni ..keep on saying rosak..rosak...budak-2 zaman sekarang ni rosakkkkkkkk....

Duh~ common lah selama ni duduk ceruk bumi mana pulak dia ni ....i am not saying drinking and clubbing is's not wrong too if you tak salah guna...i think i might get into trouble writting this.. heheh..tapi sendiri mau tau sendiri punya hal lah...

ada juga said it's not in our culture...and people like me memang culture minum...where the heck that give you the right cakap culture gue boleh hehehe...rasa nya Hindu pun ada bagitau don't do extreme..hehe...rasanya lah tak tau lah ya atau tidak ....moral of the story jgn judge org lah kalo tak smoking.. sometimes kita tak tau why people jgn cakap org tu jahat....suka hati lah they all mau buat apa kan...smua ada hak sendiri hehehe..smua perlu pandai lah jaga sendiri...asal jgn kacau org da...

tapi kita mesti respect org kan...kalau org tu tidak jgn lah tetiba ajak pulak and kasi ketawa dia ...

i have been told that if you don't smoke or drink you are not COOL....apa yang cool dia kalau smoke ..berasap and bau...and mabuk sampai hilang's not cool k...hehehe..tapi kadang-2 ada org lose themself sebab stress, frust and etc...

these are just empty glasses k....

Tp kita mau ingat siapa actually incharge of ourlives...siapa buat kita...!! siapa kasi kita nafas...!! siapa kasi benar kita hidup...!! siapa bagi kita harapan..!!! Siapa pegang hidup kita..!kadang-2 kita lupa...kadang kita saja tidak mau ingat..!!have to go back to basic...I am not saying i am perfect..done lots of stupid things too along the way...tapi sendiri mau ingat lah...

hmm apasal i tulis serius ni ...hahaa..boring punya pasal kali..tapi tu lah HATE people yang JUDGE one's perfect k... Moral of the story..!! Maybe org anggap kita boleh drink...tapi tidak semesti nya Kita drink k ....maybe a little and not to the extreme..!!

Nota org tak perfect: Aku org yang suka berkawan...suka sosial...tak suka org judge org bukan2

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