Monday, February 13, 2012


sometimes there are things that will break you...and one of the things that often break my soul is my pride.....i am still learning to break my be able to admit things that i am weak be able to admit that i can't do somethings....but it's hard....when it happens at times i feel that my soul is being heart is being slash.....and deep inside i feel broken....

but i want to learn that my pride will drown me in pride will trap me at times....

as i walk my life daily...i want to still have my pride of being a person full of wisdom....that i can still stand up and face people because of my selflessness....

till i learn to stand up again and be proud of myself...i will still wait for the sunrise evermorning to tell me that things will be getting ok as the new day dawn...and as i end my days with remind me that i have done my best that day...

sometimes what we say or do unintentionally brakes people's pride....but it's allright...maybe that person has to learn....

Let's wait until the sun sets today....telling urself that you have done well today...and hope for the sun rise tomorow to be thankfull that we're alive !!!

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