Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Trip Down under

a trip that was out of my imaginary mind..and i still have to pinch myself to realize that i did go on the trip.this are some pics of the trip..not much..cos as you already know we all are just plain obsess with ourselves so not much pics that have sceneries....
i think it is one of a life time trip that change my way of thinking...:
1.I drive well now....i am becoming a well manner driver...
2.appreciate people more : I will try to say thank you to everyone and say hello love more!! (*i am in love)
3.I crave for cherries!!! (*kearah mau slim kan diri) - the Dec Bet!!!
4. I learned not to judge places or people easily.....

to be continued

1. I tend to hate my job even more since the trip
2.i am broke!

this was in Melbourne:

it was rainning so it was freezing....
 we had all the fun at this place that we decided not to go anywhere else....cheap fruits...cheap vege..! everyone was excited...! i ate lots of cherries...! and they were fresh!!! (now when i look at those in the supermarkets...sucks...)


 we didn't know where to go at nite so we just roam the city...

us again..

we only had less then 2 days in Melbourne but it was enough to make us fall in love with the place...
we set on a journey, a 970km drive to sydney...let me name the road trip the Gundagai Trip...!
i thought i would be a dreaded drive but it was fun and thanks to the help of 2 more drivers we had an excellent trip...

i think we stop every 1 hour to have reststops and change of drivers....
our first stop was here:
 petrol station that was so kampung like...

 and of course another group pic
and yes we rented a splendid car....spacious...and i love love love it...!
 demonstrating how to open the boot of the car that is full of things...(*and we call ourself light packers...!)
another of our stop: Tallarook...!

 another stop at Seymour...

 another stop at Hoolbrook

 we arrived at canberra about 6pm and it was already dark...so we decided to rest...
the next morning we went round the deserted offices ..

after camwhoring in Canberra
we head on our way to sydney...
but we stop at a place called Berima...!it was known as a place where they kept the prisoners...
cucu melawat nenek...
 it was freezing...after this pics..it suddenly rained heavily..

I so love Australia...melbourne was great (my kabigans love it there cos of the market!!????)...canberra was lovely.. sydney was cool!..(maybe just because i drove there...)..GC was awesome dude!

to be continued...!


kukuanga said...

the pics look great. and thanks for the trip. know this, you're the 'powerhouse' that heighten our level of confidence in the midst of kebingungan and for making all these possible. jom jalan lagi!

Dy said...

errmm... dunno how to describe feeling see these pix... glad that the trip HAPPENED, glad that you guys enjoyed OZ, glad etc etc.... but all these, ada coated jugak with ENVY!!!! hohoho... wish i was there (though I doubt u guys wished the same!) hohoho....

Congrats Jane... U really have to consider that travel agent thingy :)

ppong said...

love it! love it!!

jenkays said...

ada perasaan gembira terpendam when betul2 jumpa tempat n org selama ni terbaca in blogs and forum...!! (tp malangnya kabigans tia tau)
i was happy to see the churos stand at Victoria market where everybody said was the best...the hotdog stand...and the foot tour guy in Mel..!
it's like all this while while researching and suddenly sampai..it's a magical feelin!

kayau said...

I love it too..masih terbayang2 ni masa di sana..but what i most regret was i sleeept a lot..hate it..if there any trip after this sy patut bawa flash untuk hot coffe..jom jane kita pg berjalan2 lagi..Hahaha i think u should consider buka tour agent. ;p..