Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Touristcy rounds in PP-Day 2

we had a difficult time adjusting with the time (padahal 1 jam sj) couldn't sleep she woke up at 4 actually all of us woke up at 4am...had a great time talking to them.(i think they were excited)...we went down to have breakfast at 6.30am...and then waited for the Engchin to pick us up at 7.30am. we went to the muzium first...

it was a hot day...but not as hot as the march trip...the day was kind to us as it was a rainy season there..but it didn't rain when we were in PP.
after the Muzium we went to visit the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda

 the only pic with me with the both of them..ini di ambil oleh aircon..hehe..with the timer on...
konon macam p honeymoon hehee...

on the tuktuk....
it was dusty..tis time i came prepared....hence the mask on mom's...

we had only 1 day in PP....we took the 2pm bus to hcmc.parents had they were retired they enjoyed the muzium...the royal palace and the killing field...history of polpot...
memang tidak rugi lah bawa dorg ni....

p/s we went shopping at the russian market too after the visits...they got an elephant for their beloved always said when she was little her parents or anyone travelling this part of the world would buy a wooden elephant we bought one...(yes...even from my grandparents days they were travellers.)

main expenses
entrance Fee:
Muzium- USD3 perhead x 3=USD9
Royal palace n silver palace= USD6.50 perhead x3=USD19.50
Kiling Field =USD2x3=USD6
Lunch =USD 13

fudnote:the elephant is just a statue...but when it means a lot to a grandparent to give a gift to their grandchild...the elephant is priceless...


Dy said...

Kenak sikda gambar the elephant :p heheheh... cool looking sunglasses for USD3/pair!!

jenkays said...

masa shoppings sik sempat amik gambar cos aku tukang haggler..!!!and tukang angkat barang...aku menyesal sik beli utk diri sendiri's gud kualiti compare to the RM20 here..

kayau said...

sdh naik harga..dulu palace USD6.25..muzium usd5 lah...isk..isk

jenkays said...

knp kami bayar USD3 sj juvi...tu yg terkejut tu hari tu...memang ingat USD5 tapi ada sign dia cakap USD3.nampaknya kita kena tipu hari tu wakaakka..tapi kami p awal pagi lah...