Thursday, June 23, 2011

Updet diri yang penuh adventure

this week was Geri's Bday..and i all started to go downhill after that....memberi gambaran terhadap minggu ini..
*note: as i am typing this i suddenly have a heart full of rage...!

1. Couldn't renew the bloody birthcert of Geri....reason: ada saman dari JpJ yg i never knew existed...

 selepas selesai baru boleh renew...aduiii..melayang beribu!

2.My assignment at the new penting came visit my ofis...lepas2 byk kali reschedule...he and his entourage came 1 hour earlier then we expected...wat a way to start a career with a perfectionist bos...
3. i was leaving for work my tayar pancits....ingat biasa saja went to pump and went to work...only to find out petang that ada nail in the tyre......duit melayang lagi....

4. after the bengkel....menambah kesakitan di hati...someone telah mengguris...kreta gwe yang terchenta...!!! now he has a rossy bump....sebab aku suspect kereta merah sebab ada meninggalkan DNA

FUlamakkkkkk...what a week.............dengan otak pusing memikirkan coming trip..yg mula membuat aku rasa malas utk memikirkan itu dan menjadi spt smua org yang relax and let it be....maybe will try that...



Dy said...

ADDUUSSS.... it was a nail??? cis cis! Hmmm... kenak lah org dengki p cium Geri'r burit... adoi... cian...

jenkays said...

entah lah siapa yg menodai Geri..must be a hot red blond..cos ada tinggal kesan merah...

jenkays said...

entah lah siapa yg menodai Geri..must be a hot red blond..cos ada tinggal kesan merah...