Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Karot cake from a non carrot kek eater...

maybe it's the time of the month that i just can't think of anything to do then to make something....was saying that i want to make a carrot cake...the only reason i made the cake was because of the left over frosting from the butter cake last saturday....i followed recipe that dy showed me...seperti biasa...i made the cake without reading the recipe properly smua main campak saja....i tot she said put everything in the bowl and beat..that was wat i tot at first..then i read again and it said beat this and that first and then add egg and then beat then flour...OMG...i just campak everything hahha..but anyway i beat everything anyway....then tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...:

 this is not the cake hehehe...i made 4 muffins to be given to mis Juvi... hehehe..! sori didn't have any piping i use a plastik bag and cut the edge wkakakakaka...!!

this is the cake...hehe...forgot to take the whole cake hehehe..and's 10pm and i am on my 3rd piece of carrot cake!!...not bad for a person who says i never like carrot cake..(sebenarnya cannot remember wether i ever tried) because always thinking that carrot is sayur so will not taste good with cake...!!! kinda happy with it hehehe...i cut the quantity of sugar and the frosting was nice compliment to the cake..! but i bet juvi's muffin will taste sweet cos got lots of thick frosting...( i did the frosting of the muffin first-bad strategy.) so i didn/t have enuff for the cake wakakaka...!

Fudnote:Life is just a dull thing if you don't try something new to brighten it UP...! CHEERs!


kayau said...

can't wait to taste your's 1st home made carrot cake and also to criticize it..hehehe..for you info i like carrot :)..

kukuanga said...

ada cinnamon jen?
congrats berjaya membaking!

Dy said...

WOW!!!!! FABULOUS!!! good job!! As I said - are you really a beginner???

jenkays said...

ko suka juvi..?? kihkihkihkih bah ada sudah lah tujuan mo buat carrot cakelah..
togs:mesti lah ada (even though tia suka)i mengikut recipe tegar..~:P

jenkays said...

Dy:yes beginner...first time baking and first time tasting..wakakakaka..

ppong said...


tu hari i bake ni carrot cake. tapi tidak masak dia pny tengah, napa tu ahh? aiyoo, tu lah pasal bagus bikin muffins.

jenkays said...

mungkin tia cukup lama?kita tunggu sigu baker kita menjawab soalan ko ni...

kayau said...

Pagi ini sy breakfast dengan 2 biji carrot muffin (2 biji lagi bagi diana..hehehe)...I like it, sedap ;p..Hehehe sihat punya kek ni & kurang manis lagi :)...Boleh lah reg top chef tahun depan ni..

p/s :Tq cik jane...Lain kali buat lah lagi ;p..

jenkays said...

kahkaha...ada juga peminat kek first time sya haha..bah kalau ko dua mo makan lagi kasi tau...hehee..tapi sila lah beli cream cheese saja...! then gwe akan buatkan....memang kasi kurang gula sebab takut manis...

Dy said...

To Pong: Hehehe... ko ada cucuk lidi tgh dia before ko kuar kan dari oven? If the lidi comes out clean, baru masak ;) Biasa time time durang cakap tu tak betol... lain oven lain bicara ;)