Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the tuktuk experience....Day 1

Back from my holidays with the parents...
it was a diffrent journey..more to being a tour guide.(bukan memang tour guide kah smua trip :P) as i told you all the parents were so excited that mum couldn't sleep the day before...we took the cab to lcct and then check in..checking in was fine...
we landed safely at 4pm PP be greated by the abang tuktuk Engchin with my name on an A4 paper...(dia nampak gelap sikit and kurus sudah)

muka org2 excited naik tuktuk first time.....
PP Day 1
as all the places where closing at 5pm we went to the central market first...
bought a pair of sunglasses each for them....USD3 for a pare off rayban...for dad...mum not sure what...but also kan?

we walk around and didn't get much as it was their first time...after central market we went to hunt for out bus ticket to HCMC..we took the Mekong Limousine bus it cost USD12 per i and engchin when to buy the tickets...the parents were left on the tuktuk..i bought them some eggs..."balut" in philipines....i don't know what it was called in PP.(sorry no pic..dorg ni bukan macam org muda sibuks ambil gambar sendiri)

Engchin the tuktuk driver brought us to Saravan Restaurant for dinner.(aku suspek dia ada komisen dari ni kedai...sebab selalu bawa makan sini)

Requested to take a pic dengan background jalan di PP.

after dinner we went straight to the hotel...sebab ada org sudah pening2 minum angkor bia...! hahaha...siapa suruh murah.... and sebab ada anak yg hanya boleh belanja satu jug di PP hehehe...dinner was lots of food and "drinks"- USD17 saja...

we checked in Circuit Hotel...the reception told me they didn't receive any booking from me...(padahal sudah email me they recieve...note:please print email everytime...!!!) we had a twin bed room...USD27 pernite...the beds were huge..and room had a window (they made a big deal about having a window...but i like because it was near the balcony so we had a splendid view of the sunrise...

Main expenses:
tuktuk- USD10

heartnote: my parents are getting old..Tuhan,bagi lah masa kami bersama lebih panjang lagi


Dy said...

aiyah... suk suk aku baca yang atasa, sekali sampai fudnote, terus hati ku sedih... ya... praying we'll have more time with them...

anyway... job well done bring them jalan! So the very prouds of u!

kayau said...

jane, footnote ko sangat sedih..o..
betul lah masa kita dgr dorg x bnyk lagi..spptnya kasih happy dorg...

jenkays said...

Dy & Juvi: ikhlas dari hati kata2 tu...

Dy: they had fun..and it was a real experience for them