Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Unexpected ways...

life is as it is...
plants are dying...
someone is dying too...
still pretty mad about everything and off nothing...
why YOU plan things the way YOU do i might never understand...
but anyway..watever it is You're still in control of everything...
my work is still killing me slowly
but i am still at it...

p/s my grandma had a stroke last saturday..i chose to ignore....i chose to just carry on with life as nothing happened....but today after seeing the photoes...my heart broke into two again...

heartnote:Ignoring You is the same as putting my trust in You...


kukuanga said...

sorry about your grandma. still kat hospital ka? and sorry about your plant too. try, kasi selamat k.

Dy said...

ignoring = trusting... i echo that...

jenkays said...

she still in hospital trying to move her to miri.
plants...sudah tukar tanah pagi2 tek..harap it will live on..if not i just give up...bagus aku pelihara ikan dalam pasu mahal itu...

yeah ignoring is trusting

kukuanga said...

sorry dudettes, i dont get the equation. (ignoring = trusting)?
how come?

bukan ada perbezaan darjat kah tis?
org atas sama bawah.

org atas boleh ignore org bawah, but org bawah have no rights to ignore orang atas. orang bawah have obligation not to ignore org atas.

orang bawah have to trust orang atas, but orang atas have the rights not to trust orang bawah. orang bawah have obligation to trust orang atas.

where's the similarity? (ni... aku jadi gila sama equation, ever since baca pasal green technology. sorry, merapu)

jenkays said...

berbeza lah tu...
tp ko tlah highlite sama gwe org atasan tidak perlu trust and boleh ignore org bawahan........