Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Young & Old

 Recently went back for a break with the family...while all of us were together mom decided to celebrate dad's bday...so we had a "small" scale Pre-Bday party for him during they cell-group meeting....tapi biasalah hero dia tetap org sama...yang perasan bday dia ....

if you notice ada 60 +1 candle...itu kesilapan my mom..she keep on saying he is 61...ikut date of birth baru 60 ehehee...kihkihkih...tapi she insist 61 so tak mau argue lah..! (apa punya maths teacher hehehe..) lepas tu baru sedar memang 60 hehehe..takpa2 picture ini boleh pakai tahun depan hehehe...
hal makan mesti no satu...! we made kimbab...!

notice the rice byk hahaa..malas punya pasal sama mo kasi org kenyang hahaha..

the spread of food di mana kejap saja habis...!! pihak tuan rumah smua tidak sempat makan..terpaksa buat round 2 lepas semua tetamu balik hahaha..!! thanks to para2 askar2 yg tapuk barang2 sedap di belakang ehehehe...!

so well it was a emotional and happy occasion when celebrating my dad's birthday...were every year counts as his extra year....(he had cancer when he was 35 and almost died) well... looks like God has given him almost extra 30 years...! and i pray He gives more years to come...!
when i reach home that day this little rascal:

awal pagi sudah buat muka kesian minta hadiah...!!i bought a excavation set..of course dinosaur ...it's kinda cool...knp masa kicik kita tiada mainan macam ni...

tapi susah juga lah mainan ni the batu is as hard as brick...ketuk2 3 hari baru dapat 2 ketul tulang hehehe...! but it works ..took him off his tv for 2 days...

oh well...all i can say is even a short time..i had tone of funs and not forgetting foods..sampai perut berlipat2 lipatan besar lah katakan...!i need to lost some lah smua sluar2 sudah ketat ...!

Perlukah beli sluar baru atau perlu kasi slim? wat say you?


Night said...

hem..cucu tersayang tetap menjadi pujaan hati..hehe. Tahniah sama ur dad and sik kisah la umur ya.hehehe.
wahh...food..bnyknya..alala...let slim down mare..(menaip sambil mulut penuh dgn GCB)..hehehe

jenkays said...

memang itu lah superstar selalu pare...! mcm mana mo kasi slim down ni...mlm2 bersenam sambil mengunyah makanan :P

kukuanga said...

hiak! hiak! to both of you..

apahal masih ramai orang jemput makan for raya ni? macamana mau kasi kurang lipatan perut?

Dy said...

Hehehe... nite, ada sigek gambar jane sik put here... that one sure ko suka juak :) *hint - non halal food*

Macam best oh toy si kecik ya... if rendam water can get the brick to break faster o not? hehehe

clahung said...

haha.tu hadiah yg dbeli ari tu ka? hehe..mesti dia bsungguh2 p cari kan..aku pun xda idea mcm mana bendalah tu..hehehe:D

anyway, sadap oo tgk mknn atas meja tym bday bapa ko tu..hehehe :p

jenkays said...

rasanya kalo kita main lagi best...heheh sya yg ketuk2 utk dia hehee
u knw dy i tot of just drop it and let it pecah hahaa.tp then again patutlah kita bukan archeologist hehee...

Night said...

hem..interesting la mainan c gaman tok..
dy, aku rasa aku tauk wat pic ya..ngahahaha