Friday, September 3, 2010

Kind and cool Friday Sunrise...

woke up this morning with the feelind...oh no a day have passed again....!it's friday all over again....(ya betul pare seperti roda2 yang perpusing-pusing kan....!) doing all the routine things over and over...and feeling all the same feeling again and again....but when i look out my window this morning i saw a diffrent side of the seems cool..the first word that came into my mine is Kind...kindness...true this world sometimes can be cruel ....maybe most of the time...:P ...but there certainly is  a little drop of kindness somewhere out there...the sun was kind to rise as beautiful and wonderful today ...
ini gambar mengingatkan kepada edensor..(damn i missed those feelings bila membaca edensor...)

Life seems to be like a wheel these few days....(not that wishing for some extravaganza things to happen)..but i kinda know today is suppose to be different if you make it different...let's just instead of walking in a circle...let's dance to the beat..and maybe make huhha...huha..huha...just make it different....
eat something different then usual today...instead a normal GCB.......let's have a fish burger today...(kalau tia sedap ada juga benda mo kutuk2 hari ni :P)
park in a different spot...! just do something different today...!!

life is not suppose to be like the wheel on the bus...!! it's suppose to be the wheel of a ferrari...!!!
let's VROOM..VROOM...

(sebenarnya hati kurang bersemangat hari ni..tapi ingin kasi semangat diri sendiri )


Dy said...

What did i do different today hor? Hmmm... oh, i had milo instead of my normal coffee (coz I was too hungry :P) and I had yogurt for breakfast (instead of my normal malaysian stuff)... Best juak tukar2 tok :)

DC10 said...

i likeee tis post of yours glamsss... very well said :).. lets dream big