Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saigon Day 3

SIN CHAO SAIGON..(Goodmorning Saigon kononnya)betul kah?

3rd day...we decided to go Historical...on foot...under a dry and hot weather...harus di ingati kami org2 yg jarang bersenam...
folowing a guide yg memang sendiri tidak tau apa...tetap berjalan...! thank God for wifi..i use this as a guide..his blog was great as a guide in saigon...we walk and walk ...we pass some art galery...paintings were awesome...we came to this...!

The People Community Building....!

us all..

there was a nice swiss lady who offered to help us take a group pics....

pelakon It's complicated...! (on honeymoon ker??)
Muka tensen...i struggling cari lain sibuk pulak posing....!!

the gals at Notre Dome Church...

Bandung UNderGROUND???

standed procedure...every 2 hours...our tanks wud be empty so we stop at the famous Pho 24 restaurant....

Model pho 24

back to possing....

trying to fit in...

iklan minum air....the weather was really make sure if you all go be equipt with a botol of water...

Model Tiang pejabat pos...

kat Malaysia korang pernah kah lepak di post office???Di saigon we did...! it was a cool place...

buying souveniers at the post office

i think the sign says no entry to gumuk people hehhee...

One thing facinated us was walking on the Saigon streets....!! we were like "kebal"..just walk accross the streets and the motorbike wud just give way or "elak" you...!!

after a long walk around. we actually did go to the reunification Building and War Museum but it was close for lunch...!! so we decided to walk and look for something else....then we saw JOLLYBEE...!! yeah...teringat masa manila...! tapi jollybee kat saigon total failure....!(sorry was so hungry didn't take any photo...)jollybee was more important then those historical building hehehe...!!

mlm itu ada org APC di paksa untuk belanja kami makan...!! lumayan segala Dinner was 700,000 Dong....wakakakakka pucat itu org mau bayar hehehehe...!!arigato gozaimas...!! no pictures of prove because everybody lapar....!!


kukuanga said...

xin chow!
ahahahhah.. kesian tu budak APC kena belanja kan? well.....

and duit transport, kiter tak bayar pun dia. wakakkakak... nasipla c kawan.

jenkays said...

si popong bah tu..aku mo pau dia terus si fread pulak kena..!! kesian ko fread...lain kali lah kasi pau ko lagi hehehe..i laike...!