Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bila hidup naik satu tangga pada 13 NOVEMBER

Kadang-kadang aku rasa macam mau balik semula zaman2 baby ni...smua org sayang...semua benda org buatkan...tidak payah byk pikir..mau something nangis saja..and akan diberikan..!makan minum main..bila penat tido..!tapi smua ini tidak mungkin....
zaman dulu2(Cute kan??)

Zaman sekarangs...(masi cute juga kan??)

along the way of life people come and go in my life...mostly touches the heart...and some breaks the heart too....
along the way of life the heart grows stronger...sometimes it's happy...sometimes it is broken into pieces...
and i know the whole of my life is handle by the ONE...!at times i am mad at times i am thankfull to HIM...
Most of the time i have forsake HIM...but i know HE will never ever forsake me...!So thank you very much for this life YOU have given...I know the best is yet to come..and the best is instore..!
BIRTHNOTE:God i hope you didn't forget me...i hope you didn't skip my name for my turn...


DC10 said...

my glamunsens,

happy month of ur birthday, you've grown so much and u've accomplished some major feats, bringing u up to this moment in time... u're an awesome person, a 'fill-in-the-blanks'/ gap-filler maestro, master repairer, witty on your feet thinker,an outburst of sunshine, a hot ccocoa/tea on a chilly frosty day (or should it be vdka?hehehe)... u're incomparable, irreplaceable... success is not measured by how much one has in one's pocket but (to me) by how much one has given... baby glams... you have given much... so much.. and you've enriched so many peoples' lives...
thanking God for your every breathing moments and much much more to come...
God bless you glams... (Jeremiah 29:11 k)... happy month of your birthday :)... (marc anthony's song in the background... hope one day.. and soon... someone would sing this song for you, and while waiting for that... i nyanyi lah.. walaupun tidak reach all the notes ahahahahaa...)lusm glamus

jenkays said...

oii pintungs...bila pulak u type this?? thanks berry much...!u made my heart bleed in a good way..hahaha in other words terharu lah..thanks for the too are a "die for friend"...