Sunday, November 15, 2009

WhaT kind of FRIEND are YOU...???

(gambar hiasan yg teda kaitan dengan post ini)

i just got this email from my uncle about my cousin in says:

Last Friday night Katie and her girl friend Tara were walking towards a taxi stand in Surfers Paradise when suddenly 3 Maori girls walked up to katie and grabbed her by her hair and flunk her down onto the ground and pushed her face into the dirt and then made off with her precious shoes!!It happened very quickly and Tara didn't have time to react. She did nothing!All Tara could do was marvel "what the..!"Katie scolded Tara "what kind of friend are you!"Katie suffered a bit of bruising to her elbows and knees and of course her dignity more then anything else!

what have the world become...people stealing shoes from you when you're still wearing it??? the one thing that struck me was this:"what kind of friend are you!"..but anyway maybe she was too stunted...

sometimes i always ask myself..what kind of friend am I?i think this question is one can give the ideal answer cos everyone has different needs in a friend......! when you are helpfull some people might think you're just anoying...when you're concern some might think you're too controlled...well it's what people thinks...but anyway to me ...i love to be friends with lots of people but just don't expect too much off me...i am only HUMAN... Friends come in many shapes and sizes...but the only best thing is they come in various hearts...some are hearts of patience..some are hearts of Gold..and some even heart of stone...!friend...i will always try to cherish every moments of laugther, tears...stupidity, we all had together...
If you are my friend...I would like to thank you for you have walk in my heart...and that you walk with me tru this life of mine...and i will try to remember ...and i will thank God for you...!!and i will cherish the moments....Thanks ya all....
fudnote:Jadi seorang sahabat bukan setakat jadi an ok friend..tapi cuba utk menjadi sahabat yg tau batasan nya...when it's not jokes are funny anymore we stop and cry together...!then we dry our tears and we walk again...

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